Thursday, 27 February 2025


The sermon on the Mount Part 5 MATTHEW 7 v 13-29

In this part of the Lord's teaching, He begins to come to a conclusion. The lessons He here teaches are general and full of wisdom. He puts down a general guidance for doubtful situations. We are to deal 

with others as we would wish them to deal with us.
In the second place He gives warning against the way of many in religion. We are not to follow what others might do. He tells what is broad and leads to destruction, and states the arrow way is the road to everlasting life.

Our religion is not that of the multitude. We have no reason to feel discouraged or cast down, and should not think it is unpopular or only a minority follow, the true flock of Christ has always been small,

Jesus gives warning against false prophets, and the word of God (the Bible) will disclose them. The world, the flesh and the devil are not the only danger for Christians.

Jesus winds up the sermon by turning from false prophets to unsound teachers. He states not everyone who claims to be Christian will be saved and go to heaven, it needs more than people think. It is not enough to go to Church, be baptized, even hold Office in the Church. Have all repented? Are all leading holy lives? the one who has fulfilled those questions is like the man who builds on rock and has a sure foundation; the one who has not fulfilled is like the one who builds on sand and collapses at the first bad time.For Jesus there was only one thing that mattered, changed lives; lives that listened to the Word of God, and those who did not, all else was hypocrisy, and religious hypocrisy is the worst of all. So how do we make right judgements as to whether we enter Christ’s kingdom, or be cast into a dark Christ less eternity. Hear the words of our Lord.

Jesus was travelling to Jerusalem and the Cross where he would die, to obtain forgiveness for all the sins of his followers that they may become acceptable to his Father, God. On his way he was teaching and trying to bring his own people, the Jews, to find salvation.

The Rabbis taught the salvation was an assured thing for Jews as God’s chosen people, but Jesus was not following a nationalistic course, and warned that non -Jews would be admitted into his kingdom. This caused one man to ask Jesus if only a few would be saved, but Jesus did not give a direct answer, he just said make sure you are.

Turning to verse 13, Jesus said, enter by the narrow door. He always taught there are two gates, two roads. He said there are two destinies, heaven and hell and divided people into two classes. There are only two roads, no third, no alternative.

This is not generally liked as it is seen as being too restrictive, too bigoted and intolerant, and we don’t like to be judged. Yet in spite of all this, Jesus says we must enter through the narrow door. So let us look at the choice we face and consider honestly which road each of us is on and to where heading.
It is like coming to a crossroads, each road going in the opposite direction. On the broad road you enter by a wide gate and the road is spacious, there is plenty of room on it and there are plenty of people on it. It is the road of self-gratification without any restrictions, room for diversity of opinion, lack of morality, permissiveness, no curbs or boundaries, you can twist and adapt the Bible to ease your conscience, so you can follow the desires and inclinations of your headThere are even otherwise decent men and women on it, so many claiming to be Christians albeit without due cause. It is widely assumed, and strongly encouraged by the secular press, that if you are honest and sincere you will go to heaven.

The Bible is all about commitment. We are reminded of the superficiality of commitment in our own time. Less than 10% of people think God worthy of one hour per week to visit a Church. Yet if you were to ask people their religion, the vast majority would reply C of E and seriously consider they were Christians.

As we come to the narrow gate leading to the narrow road, which Jesus wants us to take but says only few take it, and those who do must do through Him. John 14 despite being non correct in many Churches now, still states ‘no one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ.’ He is the only way.
Being narrow these days means you are classed as bigoted or phobic. You are expected to be broad minded, be modern, 2+2=5. The road is narrow because it is the way of truth and truth is always narrow. It is the way of holiness and righteousness.Jesus said there is a life to come and it is a long life, it is eternal, and there are only two destinies, and as you come to the crossroads, you alone choose, God will not push you. He gave you the ability to choose and lets you do so. Where you end up in eternity will be determined by which road you take, so what you do in the world is important.

One of these roads leads to destruction the other to life with Jesus. He took time to remind people of the seriousness of salvation. He wanted all to be sure of the future. People do prefer the easy road in life but Jesus made it plain He wants us to journey down the difficult road and enter the narrow gate.
Neither can the narrow road be pursued if we are motivated by a desire to please society. True disciples of Jesus Christ will not play to the galleries nor form values according to the passing approval of people in general. God’s approval is all that matters.

Finally Jesus speaks firmly and rather profoundly when He says not all who think they are to enter the Kingdom of heaven will in fact do so. But it can be hard to be a Christian in this country at the present time and many find the going too hard and strenuous and the opposition oppressive. Any open expression of our faith is likely to lead to suspension or dismissal from work. There is so much harassment of Christians which is not reported here and you have listen to the American news channels to discover what is going on in this country.

So  ends the Sermon on the Mount. There had never been a sermon like this before, and there has not been like it since.  Let us see that it has an influence on our souls.  It is addressed to us as well as those who first heard it,  We are they who will give an account of its heart-searchingLessons.  It is no light matter what we think of them. 

May God bless you.  May God be glorified

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