SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Part 4) MATTHEW 6 v19 to 7 v12 `
The righteous of the Kingdom of heaven works out in
the details of one’s personal life. Jesus calls His followers to choose their
Master, either God or wealth, and to choose their outlook on life, either faith
or worry.
W are told this implies a choice, between activities that
lead to greater earthly reward at the present, or those who store up greater
future reward in heaven. The
consequences of making the wrong decision, can be shown to be disastrous. In
one ordinary day of life it is simple; wisdom to get for oneself those things
which will last, and to buy that which
is made by good craftsmen.
Throughout Scripture, he heart is the center of our
being, with emotions, reason and will.
The eye is like a lamp which shows the quality of a person’s life; a
healthy life with clear vision suggests devotion to God.
Jesus tells to avoid things which rust and destroy. so
things are cast away. In the East, a man’s wealth, is in the corn and grain
that he has stored in barns, but worms and rats could pollute it. In such case there was no permanence. He tells them to be careful in heavenly
treasures, which can be stolen. Often
men would bury precious goods in a field or garden, but thieves dig through and
take away.
In Palestine houses were very small with only a small
window and. glass could easily be broken. Anyone whose happiness depends on
things like these, are doomed to disappointment. The
reference in these examples, is not to store precious goods which are at the
mercy of thieves.
The Jews were familiar wit the phrase treasure in
heaven. They said that deeds of kindness
which people did upon earth, became a treasure in heaven. The Christian Church embraced that saying
when it first began. The early Church
lovingly helped the poor, the sick, the distressed and helpless and for those
who had no one care for them. The Roman
authorities broke into the Church, to take the treasures they believed the Church
possessed. The Roman prefect demanded
from the man in leadership, that he should show the treasures the Church held,
and was shown the widows and orphans being fed, the sick being nursed, the poor
being helped. These he was told were the treasures of the Church. This has always been the practice of the
The Jews always connected treasure in heaven with character.
He only thing a man can take out f this
world is a finer self.
Jesus ends this section by stating the truth that
where a man’s treasure is, the heart is
in that place. The heart is there also of everything that a man
values, and sets his heart on earth, when he will have no interest in any world
but this world. If through a person’s life eyes are upon eternity, then those
will be of no value. The eyes ought to
be fixed on the land beyond.
;The idea behind this passage is one of
simplicity. The eye is regarded as the
window by which the light gets into the whole body. The color and state of the window, decide that
light gets into a room, If the window is
clear , the light flooding into the room illuminates every part. If the window is dirty or obscure, the light
will be hindered. So then, says Jesus the light moves into a man’s heart and
soul and being depends on the spiritual stated of the eye through which it has
to pass, for the eye is the window of the whole body .
Jesus states there cannot be two masters. To fully understand this, we have to remember
in the ancient world there were slaves, who were not identified as people, but
things. They had no rights whatsoever, they were just a living tool.
A master could sell, beat, cast out, even kill a slave
if he had not time for him. The slave
had no time of his own. Today a person can
work in the day, and for most people, the rest is their own time.
In our relationship to God, we have to consider what
God wishes us to do, and cannot say I will do as I like. The Christian has to be prepared to do as God
requests. Jesus goes on to say you cannot serve God and Mammon. This is Hebrew
for material possession. The Rabbis had
a saying, let the Mammon of thy neighbor be
as dear to thine own. This word
shows vividly how natural possessions take up a place that was not meant to
be. In the last analysis, all things
belong to God. Scripture makes this claim,
the ‘earth is the fulness of the Lord.’
There are two great questions about possessions. Were they obtained in good faith? Were they
received in a manner that had no cause for concern? Possessions may be judged a
the expense of honesty.
Jesus moved on to birds and flowers. There is no worry in their lives of birds,
there is no point in worrying when there is nothing that can be achieved. He goes on
to speak of flowers as one who has loved them, and in their being a life,
have a beauty as better than the best of things
If God gives such beauty to short-lived flowers, how much
more will He care for men and women,
Jesus goes on to say we hope to
be in the Kingdom of God, and to do the will of God, To concentrate on doing and the acceptance of God’s will, is the way
to defeat worry. In a persons’ life,
such a love can inspire and justify the life and command our whole being. He said live one day at a time.
Lastly He turned to the subject of judgment. Time after time people have made serious misjudgments, and so caused antagonism and
sadness. We can never truly know the facts of another person unless perhaps,
you lived with them for a long time. A
Rabbi once said do not judge a man until you yourself have come into his
circumstances or situation A person can
be someone brought up in a good home ,will not understand a person brought up
in a poor home .It is almost impossible for a man to be strictly impartial. But
it was Jesus who stated the supreme reason why we should not rushing to
judging, one is good enough to judge another.
Jesus lays down reasons why no person can judge another.
In every association, every Church. there are people
prepared to criticize. There are some who even wander from the truth in the
process. Clergy victims have false facts
placed against them. There are people
who think all clergy are rich men and they get upset when they don’t get
handouts as freely as they ask,
We move on to the subject of giving; Christians should come to God in humility and awareness
of need. Seek connects one’s prayer with
responsible action in pursuing the will of God. Knock suggests perseverance. Christians are to persist in prayer. Confident
their heavenly Father will provide whatever is best for them, according to His sovereign
The Rabbis spoke lovely words about prayer. A man who
prays should know the God he is praying to.
Is he praying by asking for something? So many people think God exists
to answer all they ask for. God will never
refuse our prayers, and God will not mock our praying. God will always answer
prayer in the best of ways for us.
God in this sermon, showed how we should respond to
various subjects. He spoke about
judgment, but He doesn’t mean you are not pass judgment in all things. We must refrain to comment on the fairness of others. He is against people looking for one making minor
discretions. We should make bold judgment on any person. Male or female, who deliberately
produce doctrine contrary to the Word of God.
A second lesson is to take care when speaking about
another person’s religion. It is not wise to engage with people we don’t know
much about. People can become really
aggressive and unpleasant. And you are both upset.
The closing verse of this sermon is the golden rule,
whatever you wish that others would do to you, you do to them for this is the
Law and the Prophets.
The next sermon will be the close of the Sermon on the
W praise God’s Holy Name. MayHe be Glorified
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