Sermon on the Mount (Part 2) Matthew v 17-48
The Sermon on the Mount is the most written,
discussed, and commented upon in all of the Gospels. It is
almost certainly the longest sermon you will ever read or heard . The Sermon is one which is spread over four
regular sermons, the first I submitted recently and contains the Beatitudes;
two more will follow this sermon.
We begin with Jesus meeting a crowd of people on a
mountain by the hills surrounding the
city of Capernaum; He was sitting on a seat, which was the practice of all
Rabbis when teaching people.
The sermon gives a vision for a better society, with
Jesus given as the best teacher, and is an enduring value for many people.
Jesus begins by calling on true Christians to be in the
world, and display two ways to influence other people. He chooses two subjects to illustrate his
meaning. One is salt, which has a taste unlike anything else, but which adds
flavor to food and acts as a preservative to keep for healthy, and fit for eating. The other subject is light, that which makes
life brighter away from darkness. In the
houses at that time, they were very small and needed candles, and Jesus was
calling on people to let their lights be shown as they were of no use if covered;
a light is also a guide which saves people going the wrong way, and acts as a
warning of some danger.
Jesus was stating that Christians should be out in the
world demonstrating a life worthy of the faith, and taking care to preserve a life
devoid of improper ways. They should
also let themselves be seen, there is no secret Christianity, we should be a
guide to people to a moral and good sense of living.
Jesus then states He did not come into the world to
abolish the Law or the words of the prophets, on the contrary He came to support
and fulfil the Law.
The Jews used the word law in different ways; to mean
the Ten Commandments, the words of the prophets, Scribal law, and the Pentateuch,
(the first five books of the Old Testament.
The Old Testament contains many principles to be followed under the
guidance of God; lays down that the Sabbath is a holy day which should ban all
working practices, even to cases of healing and writing.
The Ten Commandments are the essence and foundations
of all Law, and call for a reverence and respect for God. they are the
fundamental principles which Jesus stated should be obeyed. They are like a
chain, if you break one link all the others fall off, and the sane principle
applies to the Commandments, which many people now sometimes view, like an
examination paper suggests any two from ten; f you break one you have offended
against all.
Jesus was emphasizing the Old Testament is an
essential need, which prepares and leads into the New Testament. In order to have a true understanding of
these verses close attention to the doctrine of the Bible, which Church leaders
in the Western nations are disobeying in order to pander to the opponents of
Bible marriage.
In verses 21-48
Jesus teaches an important section, and speaks with
authority above all others.
He states that in God’s sight, a man who is angry is
as bad as a man committing murder, for both have aggression in mind, and is
thereby liable for judgment. We should also accept this refers to really strong
anger, more so than feelings of annoyance against someone in an argument. There are people who like to engage in
fighting, and anger advances beyond reason.
Murder now is almost a daily crime, and not the
violence it was once. Young people have
developed a desire to engage in
stabbing, and the consequences are grave, causing much pain and injury.
I can remember the days when our politicians were
Christian gentlemen, and made and carried out legislation to fit the population’s
needs. This meant the Bible was a
feature of their minds, and the words of the Bible were that anyone taking the
life of another should be put to death. In our progressive age, such is
rejected by those who live out of unsociable areas. It is ironic, that those who shudder at the
mention of capital punishment, and ignore the devastation it causes, are ready
to support people assisting to terminate the lives of people without adequate
protection against coercion.
We live in dangerous times, as we have to consider all
the virtues in mind, but at same time consider the application in to-day’s
Jesus speaks about lust, and states that adultery is a
sin when committed, but is also sinful when immorality is in the mind. We are subject to immense immorality from television
which portrays men approaching women with malicious intent. This is seen in what is termed soap operas. One program concentrates in Northern towns of
the country, and their picture of life there is appallingly incorrect. People in the poorest of districts often have
more morality than anywhere else, but the stories produced with their own concocted
version of life, only encourages people to think that is a necessity. There is an ever ready will to do what others
are thought to do, and are led astray.
The proximity of anger being to lust is appropriate
combination. Any female of any age who ventures into a city or town in the
evening or later is in danger. This is
fact, I have spent years working in a major city, and speak from experience. Men latch on to a young woman, who becomes
flattered by his manner, but soon finds she miscalculated. Consider the number of murders committed on
women who have been raped. The sexual
assault is a crime of great numbers.
The subject of divorce is an unpleasant one. It is sad
that men and women meet and seriously feel they are in love, but the words of
the marriage ceremony have in practice been changed. The once until death do us part, has become
until we are fed up. These progressive
politicians we have to endure have treated divorce with disdain. A man can decide he would like a change of
wife, and can proceed with a divorce claim without his wife’s consent (or even
knowledge) and without cause. The prophet Malachi quotes God saying ‘I hate’
divorce. I think it is the saddest act between a couple;
two people once in love, now hate each other. How a man can leave a wife who
has no desire for a divorce, and is left to bring children alone needs to
suffer the rest of his life. I know that
is contrary to what we are considering, but even a clergyman has a right to express
what is wrong in the devilish ways of life.
Jesus is against people taking oaths and use the name
of God in vain. In law Courts witnesses are called upon to take a copy of the
Bible and swear by Almighty God they
will only tell the truth, but then go on o tell lie after lie. I have known Police Officers who are Christians
decline to take the oath, on the basis that Jesus stated ‘let your yes must be
yes and your no be no’.
Jesus next moves on to retaliation and loving your
enemy. The Bible tells that God calls on
people not to retaliate on someone who has wronged you but to leave it to Him
to deal wit what is necessary. This is
something only Christians may do so, but sometimes retaliation only causes
distress to the injured person so it is good advice to let God deal with. I always think of the wording on a small
plate in a Welsh village shop which read.
‘when your enemy annoys you smile, it will make him more mad’
There is more sense in that advice than malice.
The better way
is to seek reconciliation which Jesus is calling for. My first Church was
serving with a fellow Minister in a Church which caused him a lot of worry, members
of the congregation were always difficult, and clergy are often played upon as
people like to bully them knowing the man is unlikely to do anything, and I have seen real gentle men
really upset. I determined it would not happen in my church having seen what
can result and mentioned in a kindly way that if anyone started an argument or
caused upset to another person it would lead to being asked to leave.
The following week two women refused to speak to each other following a dispute. I told them hey would be refused to come to worship until they resumed relations.
The next week they attended together and became more
attached to each other.
There is more than enough trouble in the world and all
Christians should follow and practice tolerance, not in the way activists
define it whereas everyone has to accept their views, but rather to the way
Jesus tells it, preparing to accept someone else views, and either let things
be unless some serious repercussion might follow.
fighting only leads to hatred, which in turn is not Christian in any
way, and can only cause an effect on health and distress to all concerned.
We should be happy to be Christians and in fellowship
with others, and thankful for having the teaching from the best of teachers in
the Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray God be glorified
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