Luke 2, v.22/40
The story in this passage begins just after the
shepherds who had visited the baby Jesus left. It is essentially a Jewish story
telling of three ancient Jewish ceremonies, and this relates to emphasise the
close relationship we have (or should have) with Israel in the Judeo-Christian
The mother and father are Jews, so the baby is Jewish. We worship the same God,
the God Israel, we have a holy book written by Jews, and worship a Jewish
Like every Jewish boy, Jesus was circumcised on his eighth day after a Jewish
tradition carried out over thousands of years. This was a sign of a covenant
God made with Abraham,+ that every male child must have that operation or be
rejected as a Jew, and in return God promised to care for Israel. If Jesus had
not had that ceremony he would not have been accepted.
God commanded that the child would be called Jesus, which means Savior, and he
would be the One to deliver the world from sin and evil. The fact that he went
through the ceremony when he was the Son of God, should encourage us to make
sacrifices and readily perform tasks in the service of God.
Jesus being the first-born son, made him sacred to God as every first son was
as such. According to Jewish tradition, the parents could buy back their son
for five shekels, which had to be paid to the priest within 31 days after
birth. This ritual was to remind the Jews of the night when the Israelites were
in Egypt, and all the Egyptian first sons were slain, and the Jewish children
were spared. It also helps us all to remember God has the right to the first
things in our lives.
There followed another ritual, which meant Mary and Joseph going to Jerusalem
to fulfil a duty, the rite of purification and the offering of a sacrifice.
Until this was done, Mary could not worship in a Synagogue.
When a woman bore a child, she had to wait a period of 40 days if the child was
a boy, and 80 days if a girl, before being allowed to join in worship. When she
returned, she was obliged to take to the Temple a lamb, or a pair of turtles.
If a woman was poor, two pigeons were allowed. The fact that Mary took the
poorer offer, suggests the home in which Jesus was brought up in was not a
luxurious one. This dispels the belief that religion was not for poor people.
On arrival at the Temple they did not try to buy Jesus back, they just said
they gave Jesus to God, who had chosen an ordinary Jewish village girl to be
the mother of his Son.
For a period of 450 years in Jewish history, God did not speak to his people.
God had promised the prophet Malachi, that he would come into the world by a
Messiah, who would bring salvation and judgment, and would be preceded by a
messenger who would prepare the way for him. For all those years, people of God
waited for the promised Messiah who would destroy God’s enemies, and fulfil
their dream and belief of a rightful place in the world as supreme, and this
would be seen as a king who would be like David to obtain world supremacy.
We move on to meet two older people. The first is a man named Simeon, who is
described as a devout man with the Holy Spirit upon him, but otherwise we know
nothing about him. He didn’t have the same kind of guidance as others had, but
he had the Holy Spirit in his hear, indicating the powerful anointing and
manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. All who have Jesus in their hearts, Jews
or Gentiles, will receive the same kind of guidance, which will guide them to
Jesus Christ.
Simeon was in the Temple when Mary and Joseph took Jesus there, and he took the
child in his arms, and said the words which have been used in every Anglican
Church Evening service since its inception, known as the Nunc- Dimmitt us.
Simeon believed things had to be left in the hands of God, who had given him
assurance that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah, God’s appointed
one. There was therefore excitement in Simeon’s voice when he heard that he
would actually see this great coming. He knew that whilst others had waited
years, wondering when how and when, he knew then that the promise had come
When he saw Jesus, he knew the time had come and was ready to die in peace, and
foresaw Jesus to be the light of the world. He prayed from his heart when he
saw the little boy. This is faith, the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen by the great names of old like Abraham, Moses,
Elijah who all played a part in this story but never lived to see.
The kingdom brought by this baby is not just for Israel, but for the whole
world. God was unveiling a plan of salvation for the world without distinction.
This will be the true glory of Israel, the nation in and from whom came the
Savior and ruler of the world.
Now Simeon is ready to die, and his face changes from gladness to sadness. He
tells the parents that Jesus would cause division, as some would accept him but
others would reject him, and it has been so and still is.
Whenever Jesus is mentioned people either rise or fall, but many stay the same. Simeone knew a sword would pierce Mary’s heart, for there was a shadow of the Cross, and 33 years later Mary would see her son die on that Cross in a cruel and horrifying death.
We see in Simeon a devoted believer. He gave the
world wide Church a song, which has been sung at every Evensong service of the
Anglican Church, which shows believers can be delivered from the fear of death.
Only strong faith can avoid fear. Which is a gift from God.
We see in this good man, speaking of the baby Jesus
as the salvation promised by God.
In an age of early deaths, there came a woman on
the scene, a woman of 84, who had been married for only 7 years; her name was
Anna, which means grace. She spent much of her time in the Temple worshipping
and praying night and day, and when she saw the holy family, at that very
moment she gave thanks to God who reveals His secret purposes in history to
humble servants who continually live in His presence. Anna spoke to all about the child, who many
were looking forward to be the redemption of Jerusalem.
The world was in darkness, but Jesus would be a
light for the world. He would be the One to make many people in Israel to rise
again. He and His people, were to be a city on a hill shining on the
world. But Jesus would also be a
stumbling block for the self-righteous Jews.
Luke shows us there is a plan for everyone in
God’s Kingdom, older people able to wait on the Lord; a young woman having a
baby to dedicate to God; a husband going to Church with his wife, (that not
seen often) all having a role to play. How wonderful it is when men put aside
their macho image and go with their wives to Church.
All Christians should be comforted by the fact God never leaves the world
without a witness. Where there is a hard core of believers, God will be with
them to support them who are faithful, and grace can flourish even when men and
women in the Church, who have been given the privilege of serving God in His
Church, become betrayers and traitors to the One they vowed to serve. We
witness them instituting, endorsing and accepting false doctrine and trying to
force it on those in their charge.
The words of Simeon in which he saw the light of Jesus, will one day shine
bright on our nation if those who love the Lord work and pray. Christ has
spoken and had many darts aimed at him; he has been despised and rejected, but
has proved to be the Savior of many who at one time forsook him.
Simeon and Anna were aged saints who kept the faith and run the course. Will we
be able to say the same; can we say Lord dismiss our servant in peace for my
eyes have seen your salvation? Is there any doubt, scepticism, or are you truly
godly in believing and trusting?
The passage closes telling that Jesus grew and
became strong, filled with wisdom the favour of God. He experienced physical and intellectual
growth as any child would, but He also experienced the favor, of God in an
unusual and increasing way.
Let us thank God for giving us Jesus, And may God
be glorified
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