1 Corinthians 12 v1-19
This is a very significant
In this chapter,
the apostle describes how the Church should function. It is essential to remember that Christ built
his Church, and in his last words of earth told his Apostles they were to
continue his work and take the gospel to all nations. The Apostles faithfully
fulfilled his commands, and now his followers to-day have a duty and
responsibility of continuing the work.
Paul is writing to the
Corinthian Church, and has come to a point where he is dealing with spiritual
gifts. The gifts were those of the Apostles, to authenticate
their teaching when stablishing the Christian Church, following the departure of
Paul begins this passage and
relates to pagans, which was just another way of stating they were not Jews.
Those Gentiles found that some
in the Church were speaking ‘in tongues’, This means they were using what was
known as speaking in a spiritual way, and having come from idol worship, the new
members were confused and referred to Jesus as being accursed. Paul told them that only people filled with
the Holy Sprit could say Jesus in Lord.
Paul in later times, spoke
against such speaking, as it tended to make new members leave, as the words
could not be understood, and it created
an appearance of delusion.
He likens the Church to a human body, and
describes it as the body of Christ. The
Church is the means by which Jesus reaches out to the world, and we keep this
in mind.
Paul begins by
describing the Church is the body of Christ, and as a body is formed by many
parts, so is the Church. All the parts are to function with dependence on each
other in a body, and all members of the Church are to work in fellowship
together. The Lord fully expects his
people to work in harmony and fulfil their work with sincerity. There should be
no identifying as different people. Men/women, black/white, employer/worker.
Irrespective of nationality.
Paul emphasises the analogy of
the human body to that of the body of Christ. The major part of
a body is of course, the head, where the brain controls our actions and unites
all the other parts, and Christ is the head of the Church.
An ear performs one vital
function, but so does an eye; the body needs both; similarly with hands and
feet. Never consider yourself as an
unimportant part of the Church. You may not be called to preach or lead a Bible
study group, but there are so many other equally important tasks in their own
way by which you can take an active part.
If everyone did the same thing, the Church would be ineffective.
But a body only functions
properly if it is healthy, and every part is working properly. We must accept we need one another, and there
is no need for competition or jealousy.
Occasions arise when, someone feels they are not being given the
recognition they feel their secular work demands, and others are doing what
they should be doing. If any organ in
our body fails, the whole body is affected and any disruption in the Church
affects the whole situation.
The Church is not just a group
of religious people gathered together to enjoy mutually desired functions. We should be sharing the same kind of life,
belonging to the one Lord, filled with His Spirit and be working together to
change the world. Such is what makes a
true and healthy Church. Just coming to
Church in itself, does not necessarily make you a Christian, you have to
believe in and trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
Paul states, for in one spirit
we were all baptized into one body
You may ask, in what way can
you play your part? The Spirit unites
people and avoids division. Water baptism is an outward sign of conversion,
being baptized in the Spirit is having been fully committed after repentance
and a declaration of faith and united to the corporate body of believers
There are so many ways by
which your gift can be exercised, possibly in a manner you have never
considered. In a Church I was once at,
we gave everyone £5 and invited them to use their talent to increase it, with
the proceeds going to the Church. People
found they had hidden gifts. So often
gifts are seen as only relating to ministry, which is so wrong and narrow an
outlook. The Church is not like a bus, with the Vicar being the driver, and all others passengers.
Often we find professional men
and women who have their professional talent to use in the service of the
Church, and they serve well and so usefully, especially gifts of accountancy
and law. But also valuablem is the man or
woman who can do technical, work effecting repairs; or the lady gifted with
flower and decorative arrangements; ladies who spend hours baking for Church
fairs. I had two sisters in their 80s
who worked tirelessly, and I cannot imagine how we could have done without
them. Other ladies regularly clean the Church, which is not to be seen as a meanial task, it is as worthy as any pother work, and is usually by females.
One thing I have always reegretted, is that many Churches have magazines in which are filled with events which have taken place. There are also many seasonal fayers with members atending to stalls of various goods. The essential is, what is the individual Church doing to proclaim the gospel.
Every Church magazine should have a Bible story, and full timetable of servicescstating the type of service. The place of seasonal sales posted with details of the services on the entrance and leaving doors.. We miss vital opportunities to advertise our faith. Business spends thousannds of pounds on advertising and would only do so if it proved worthy,, we can do so with very little expence. Sometimes it seems as if we are embarrassed at telling of our presence.
Sometime of course, it may
seem as your work is not appreciated, when you do not get the thanks and
recognition your work has merited. Do
not be depressed or disheartened, if you have done it for God, He will be
pleased and recognise you. When all our
gifts are put together we can become a strong body, able to serve the Lord as
He would want.
May God bless His Word to us,
and may He be ever glorified
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