Monday, 30 December 2024


Let us not neglect our church meetings,  as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that his coming back again is drawing near.

From the first day after the resurrection Of Jesus from the dead, the first day of the week was the day set aside for believers to gather together to worship Him. to share in fellowship, sing praise to Him, to pray, and to have the Scriptures taught.

For many years, Sunday was known as the Lord’s day.  Families would attend, father, mother, and child(ren) especially in middle class homes, and mother and children in other homes, the men viewed going to Church was a woman’s practice, and when they were obliged to attend for particular services such as baptism, so many appeared to be disorientated and uncomfortable. If anyone doubts this, just look at a service on television and count how many men are present as compared with women, notably when hymns are being sung.

In modern post war times, when successive governments turned their back in religion, the presence of sports and shopping replaced allegiance to Jesus.

To attend Church is something we should do with thanksgiving   , as we remember that He freely gave His life to be the Savior, to pay the price for our sins, and all who recognize and accept this free gift, can earn salvation and a future heavenly place.

The Bible states, that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, and all wo believe in Him will be saved.   God judges us by what our hearts reveal, and those who pretend to be believers are obtaining nothing by their hypocrisy.

We who live in the Western Hemisphere, have the opportunity to choose a Church which are in every part of the country, but those in the eastern part of the world, do not have that choice, for few, if any, in many countries.  I know and admire from my connection with them. The devotion to Jesus, despite less teaching being available, and by the loss of Bibles because of the cost, and not being able to access from elsewhere.  I know they long for Bibles in their own language, but no concessions are made from either a Bible Society or book store.

I was able to read in the past days of a woman named Helen Keller. Helen was born in Alabama,(America) and at an early child age of nineteen months, was made blind and deaf.  She lived until the age of 87 and died in Connecticut in 1968. She had a gifted tutor named Anne Sullivan, and was able to learn, and qualified to enter Radcliffe College, from where she graduated.

 Helen worshipped God and knew Jesus. That wonderful brave young woman, gave her life to Jesus, yet there many million people with perfect bodies who offer complaints for being  denied trivial things, and mock any thought of going to Church.

If a girl overcomes such disabilities and turn to Jesus, it should shame all those who make any excuse for not  giving thanks to God for their good health            .

When you add what Jesus did for all people, those self-concerned people, would be outraged if they were asked to attend Church, or even thank God for all they were able to be blessed with.

Charles Studd was one of England’s greatest Cricket players with a grand future, but after reading the Bibe, stated that when he read what sacrifice Jesus made for him, there was nothing too great for him to do for Jesus.  He dedicated his life to be a missionary  in Africa, and forfeited all he could have achieved as a sportsman. 

There are countless brilliant men and women, who made similar commitments. What peopleOverlook, is that those who give their lives to serve God, get rewards much greater than money can offer.  And before any smart Alec writes and ask me if I did, the answer is yes.

Jesus stated, ‘whoever loses his life for my sake will find it, for every man will be repaid by my Father.’.

Those who have been granted forgiveness of sins, will be placed in a state of no condemnation, because Christ paid the penalty and they are redeemed.

The Church is the Kingdom of Christ . We have been saved from the kingdom of darkness and placed in the kingdom of God.  The Church is a place of divine truth. We worship in spirit and truth as Jesus called us to do.

The Church is the living body in the world, and we are called to  speak in the truth of God.  This means we do not preach false doctrine, and it is irresponsible for Church leaders who turn away from the Word of God and lead others to do the same, in order to placate those who advocate against the Church.  If the Church wanders from the Word of God, there is no purpose for our existence.  There is no excuse acceptable for false teaching, and those who do defect from their vows, should hold their heads in shame.

It is beyond understanding that men and women, can flagrantly reject the words of Scripture. And by so doing, disgrace the Church, leaving all those who are faithful to be shamed.

If anyone finds it too  hard for them to keep to the Bible, they have the option  to resign.

Jesus Christ said,’   I will build my Church’  it is not to be a sentimental notion about God. It is an assembly of people who meet to worship God.  It is to proclaim the Gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ who is here to lead us to God.  It is to bring believers to learn how to live in accordance with the teaching of Christ, who can comfort the soul, and to belp those who are suffering in any way, for Jesus said that for those who are burdened, He will give rest.

Th Apostle John stated Sunday was the Lord’s Day, and it was so recognized.  There were those who rejected it as a day to attend Church, and there will always be the same.  But as we have just seen, there are many people who find it an inspiring factor.  Christmas of course is an exceptional time, but if the Church should respond with enthusiasm, and displayed a desire to call on them to regular, attendance, showing an interest in their presence.

The key to bring people to join in attendance is unquestionably  to have hymns with either well-known tunes or easy to follow, and to have the Bible at the heart of the service.  There are many interesting stories which have a current meaning, which newcomers could be touched by, and many parables to maintain an interest.

There is a frustrating reluctance by preachers, to tell exactly what the Bible states for fear of complaint or cries of bigotry.  If such happens, you either ignore because complainants are mostly reluctant to tell you before leaving the Church and send abusive emails, or you gently advise them why the Bible states so.  There is nothing in the Bible which can give cause for complaint`

Coming to Church is a family occasion, and Jesus went with His parents. For adults it is an opportunity to approach God together and make your marriage stronger, and for children it is a solid foundation on which to build their lives.


May God’s Holy Name be Ever Praised and may God be glorified,


God Bless You.  Be at Church on Sunday.

Saturday, 28 December 2024


At this time of the year two of the saddest words of the English language are used; namely if only. We look back on some of the events and occasions and in the gift of hind sight realise the opportunities we messed up on and how things could have made such a difference,…if only we had etc. I wonder if our Church leaders feel that way when they look at the state of Christianity in the country today.

The Church in this country, is losing members almost weekly, and is failing to be of any interest or relevance to the under 50 age ranges. This should give all sincere Christians real concern, and as we enter a new year reflect on the challenges facing the Churches, especially the Church of England.

The foundation of the Church is built on the teaching of the apostles. However unpleasant it may be to accept, we are failing God, Jesus, the saints down the ages and the Church we called to serve and save by failing to maintain that teaching.

In every business the owners, or the company which owns, want to promote the product they have to the best advantage. When one considers the success of just two outstanding British companies such as John Lewis and Marks & Spencer, the application of the desire for perfection in every aspect of their business, promotion, caring for customer satisfaction by offering what is sought, and the loyalty of staff, the reason for such success is obvious; commitment to the purpose of their business. Bankruptcy does not face them.

The Church is engaged on the Lord’s business and we should show similar devotion rather than appear to be striving for bankruptcy. Jesus said, ‘I will build my Church’, but it seems as if those within are saying and we will knock it down.

Can anyone imagine a manager in a secular business being allowed to tell customers not to believe the firm’s advertising because it wasn’t true, or the goods being offered were faulty; he would be dismissed forthwith. Would a branch manager be allowed to sell goods from a rival or be indifferent as to whether customers attended his branch?

Such comparisons may appear frivolous to some people, but just take some similar situations to those displayed by those engaged in the Lord’s business.

The purpose of the Church is to offer and present the teaching of the Apostles, which we know as the New Testament. This tells us God made a man and then woman to be man’s companion, equal in every way but different in style. But our bishops tell us God got it wrong, so we must offer services to change the gender of people and restyle them.

In addition, God was wrong to suggest a man must only marry a woman, it was perfectly good for it to be another man. Furthermore, as managers we must not offer just the product we are in business for, but also what people in opposition to us would like others to have. If we go bankrupt, we can always apply for work in their occupations.

Whilst our branches should be clean and appealing, letting people know what is on offer week by week, and then having that offering carefully presented with enthusiasm and purpose to make the people want to come to us regularly to be served, as long as the places are opened so people can please themselves when they come and there are special offers such as baptisms and weddings and transgender services to be had, all will be well.

So, coming back to reality, we should never suggest the Bible has got things wrong; we must maintain the Bible is the inspired, authoritative, unbreakable, fully trustworthy Word of God, and stop trying to please people in order to be accepted.

God chose 40 men of different occupations and characters and over many years inspired them by His Spirit to write all He wanted people to know and believe and practise. They did not know each other or what others were writing. There are so many interlinked stories yet there was no contradiction on what was collectively written; not even the most sophisticated computer could do that.

The Church has thrown out the Bible and in doing so the country has lost its influence, guidance and standards with the consequence the young are growing up not knowing right from wrong.

In recent times the leaders of the Church have made one concession after another to meet the agenda of the LGBT activists, who will never be satisfied until everybody not only accepts their agenda but approves of it. How individual people live is a personal matter for each person, God gave us free will and we place ourselves in His hands; we don’t bear personal animosity, but we do resent the provocative acts of the activists who have caused so much hurt in pursuit of their agenda, causing people to be deprived of their occupation, just for having a different belief.

If you are not a (true) believer these things may not matter to you, indeed may seem trivial to mention, but to those who have chosen to enter a preaching ministry it is quite out of order to support, and even more so to practise. If we are to be the witnesses for Jesus, we must tell positively what Jesus stated and commanded.

Today there are many attacks on the truth of the Bible. The Bible is not the book of the month; it is the unchanging book of the ages. The early Church never questioned it, they just preached it. Can you imagine a Muslim cleric ever questioning the Koran?

If the Church is to survive in any meaningful way it is down to the ordinary Church members, as there is now no one on the national scene with any notable charisma or the will and courage to speak out.

I close with this prayer.
God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit upon the Church in the burning fire of your love; grant that your people maybe fervent in the fellowship of the gospel that, always abiding in you they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service. Defend your Church from all false teaching and give to your people knowledge of your truth that we may enjoy eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Friday, 20 December 2024


L U K E  2 1-20

In the Roman Empire a  census was taken for taxation purposes. and to assess for military service. The Jews were not liable for military service, it was just a taxation test.  This involved the nations of Egypt, Syria, and Judea.  Details of people were recorded on papyrus,  and this happened every fourteen years . Every man was required to register in the city in which he was born.  The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was 80 miles, it was difficult because of a lack of places to rest, and of course there was no vehicles at this time. Travelers had to take their own food as there were a shortage of innkeepers.

The town was crowded, and no places were available for Joseph and Mary to stay, and it was in a courtyard that Mary’s child would be born. There  was no room at the inn, which was symbolic of what was to happen to Jesus. The only place for which could be used was a cave or grotto.  Swaddling clothes were used, which consisted of a Square cloth with a long strap which was would around the child   This place in the second century would become a shrine for Adonis, and n the fourth century a Church of the  Nativity was built.

Mary gave birth to her son in Bethlehem, the greatest miracle in the history of the world, the Son of God being born as a man happened in a quiet stable in a village in Judea.

The first announcement from God, was to shepherds who were simple men looking after their sheep. But the shepherds were  despised by orthodox people of the day. The shepherds were  quite unable to follow the ceremonial rules of hand-washing, for their flocks made constant demands on them, but it was to them that God’s message had come. It was these men who provided lambs used as sacrifices  in the Temple. They were the first to see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

When a child was born, local musicians congregated at the house to greet him. Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, and therefore the ceremony could not be carried out. It is a lovely thought that the minstrelsy of heaven, took the place of minstrels of earth, and angels sang the songs for Jesus that no earthly singers could sing.

All through the Bible, readings have been telling the simplicity of the birth of the Son of God. People may have expected Him to be born in a palace or mansion.  The Christan faith can say, we have a God who loves us and knows how we live, because He lived it and claimed no special advantages above ordinary people.  Abraham Lincoln, the great American President once stated, God made must have loved ordinary people, for He made so many of them.

 Every birth of a living child is a marvelous event, it brings into being a soul that will never die, a special birth, a miraculous one, God coming in the flesh; it opened the door    to everlasting life.

Jesus was born in the time of the first Roman Emperor, and the wisdom of God appears in this fact. The Emperor Augustus, ordered a census which required men to register in the city in which they were born.  This required Joseph to travel to Bethlehem with Mary, and the time for Jesus to be born came during this visit.

On arrival, it was found that there was no place available for them to stay, and ended up in a courtyard, in which there was a stable, so they were forced to stay there. It was time for God to act from heaven and send a  Savior; time is in God’s hands. He knows when to give light to the world.  We find Jesus is not born in the house of His mother in Nazareth, but in the place that the Old Testament prophet Micah had prophesied, at Bethlehem.

The overruling providence of God is seen in this simple way. He orders  all things from heaven and on earth.  He ordered the time when Augustus ordered the census in such a way that needed Mary to be in Bethlehem.  The heart of a believer should take comfort from the fact of God’s government of the world.

We see the grace and condescension of Christ.  If he had come surrounded by angels, it would have come with some majesty.  He had no palace or mansion or great authority, but to come in the poorest way of mankind, and the lowest of the lowliest  and a love that  passes all understanding. 

Let it never be forgotten, the humiliation Jesus purchased for us, a title to glory. Through His suffering and His cruel death, He earned eternal redemption for us.  His life was poor for our sakes. The birth of a King’s son is generally an occasion of public reveling and rejoicing.  The announcement of the birth of the Prince of peace, was made at midnight without any pomp or ceremony.  The tidings were made to shepherds in the fields, looking after their flocks, not to Scribes or Pharisees; an angel  proclaimed, unto you is  born this day a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. The Apostle James stated, hath not God chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith. Heirs to the Kingdom to which He   has  promisedto those who love Him.

The spiritual darkness which covered the world for four thousand years, was about to be rolled away.  The way to peace and pardon of God, was about to be thrown open to all mankind.  Liberty was about to be proclaimed to all captives, and recovery of sight to the blind. His mighty truth was about to be proclaimed that God could be just, and yet for the sake of Christ, be justified for the ungodly, and salvation would no longer be seen through types or figures, but openly face to face. The knowledge of God would no longer be confined to Jews, but open to all Gentiles.  The first stone of the Kingdom was about to be laid

The heavenly host sang hymns of praise on hearing the shepherds. They sang, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all people.  These words were variously interrupted.  Man by nature is dull in spiritual matters that it seems he cannot understand a sentence of heavenly language when he hears it.  

Glory to God in he highest, the song begins. Now has come the highest degree of glory to God by the appearing, of His Son Jesus Christ into this world.  He by His life and death on the Cross will glorify God’s justice, mercy and wisdom as they were never glorified before. Creation glorified God, but not so much as redemption.

Peace on earth, the song continues. Now is to come on earth the peace of God which passess all understanding, the perfect peace between a holy God and sinful man, which Christ would purchase with His blood; the peace offered  to all mankind; the peace which admitted to the heart, makes men  live at peace with one another, and will one day spread around the world.

 Goodwill towards men. Now is the time when God’s  kindness and goodwill to guilty people, is to be fully known. His power seen in creation; His justice was seen in the flood; His mercy is to be fully revealed by the appearing and atonement of Jesus.

From the hour of His birth to the hour of His death, and through His poverty, we became rich. Never despise the poor because of their poverty, this is the condition which the Son of God was sanctified and honored by, taking it voluntarily on Himself.  God is no respecter of persons, he looks at the hearts of people, not their wealth. Never feel ashamed for being poor if it is laid upon you.  To be godless and covetous is disgraceful, but there is no disgrace in being poor.  Just a dwelling place, some food and a hard bed, are not pleasing to flesh and blood, they were part of which Jesus willingly accepted from the day He entered this world.  Wealth can ruin a person far more than poverty. When the love of money begins to creep over a person, think of the manger at Bethlehem, and who was born in it. Such may save from harm.

A happy and blessed Christmas.    May God be glorified

Monday, 16 December 2024


Luke, in Chapter 1, beginning at verse 5.

The birth of John the Baptist, who God chose to be the one who would precede Jesus, and be the one who would foretell the people of the coming of Jesus.  His father was Zechariah, the husband of Elizabeth, who had not been able to bear a child.

Zechariah was a Priest in the Temple, when he was visited by an angel. He was told that his prayer (for a child) had been answered, and Elzabeth would bear a son and they should call him John. The son would be great before the Lord, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. When he asked the angel (Gabriel) how could this be, as he and his wife were advanced in years, he was told that as he disputed the message from God, he would not be able to speak until the birth of the child.  His wife conceived, and for five moths remained hidden, recognizing what God had done for her. She said how kind it was, of the Lord to take away the disgrace of not having a child. It was a disgrace in Jewish culture for a woman to be childless.

The verses from verse 26, tell of the birth of Jesus.

This passage begins the New Testament and contains the very words of God, who we must thank for giving us the Bible. The poorest man or woman who listens and understands the Bible is wiser than many so called intellectuals and academics. We shall be judged one day by the way we have responded to God.

The coming Sunday is the last before Christmas day. This story tells the story of the greatest and unique event in all history. This story is told fully in Matthew and Luke Gospels, and so  I ask you

In the sixth month  of  the pregnancy of Elizabeth, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary. She was just a young woman of about fourteen years of age who lived a quiet life in a Jewish village, which was an agricultural settlement, and she was engaged to Joseph who would be about seventeen years. 

The angel told Mary she was a favored one, which left Mary confused and disturbed. She did not understand and tried to make out what the angel meant. He told Mary not to be frightened, for God had chosen to bless her, and soon she would become pregnant and have a baby boy, who she should call Jesus.  He told her how great he would be, and would be called the Son of God, who would be given the throne of David and would rule Israel forever; his Kingdom would never end.

Mary asked how this could be for she was a Virgin? The angel told her the Holy Spirit would come within her, and the power of God would overshadow her, and the baby would be holy. He told her that six months ago, her aunt Elizabeth had become pregnant in her old age for every promise of God would come true.

Mary made that famous saying, which should inspire all Christians, ‘am the  Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants. May everything come true’. And the angel disappeared.

We know by the Gospel of Matthew, that when Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together; She had found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.  Joseph was a just man unwilling to put her to shame, as it was a serious matter for a woman to have a child before marriage.  (how things have change!). Joseph thought of divorcing her quietly. As he considered the situation, for he still loved Mary, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, telling him not to fear for his wife was conceived by the Holy Spirit, to fulfil a prophecy of Old Testament prophet Isiaha, and the Lord had acted.  When he woke, he did as the angel had spoken and took Mary as his wife.

Mary    decided to go seventy miles to visit her elderly cousin Elizabeth, whom she had been told was also pregnant in her old age.   On arrival the two women greeted each other, and Elizabeth in a loud voice proclaims how blessed Mary was. Until that time, Elizabeth thought this was just a family visit, but now she realised how unique the situation is, and feels she should have been the one visiting Mary.  At the same time Elizabeth felt movement of her own baby.

Elizabeth’s joy, inspires Mary to fully recognise she is to be the mother of the Savior of the world, and spontaneously sings a song, which has been sung at every Evensong in Churches all over the world, for centuries since, the Magnificat.  The Lord God is magnified in this song of praise which is filled with Scripture.

Mary expresses her glory. and rejoices in being blessed, and how gracious God has been to her in her humility. She readily obeyed God.  There is a significant point made by her, in that she recognises she needs a Savior, which implies she recognises that only a sinner needs a Savior, which tends rather to negate some Roman statements about her. 

The story about Mary becoming pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit is so often mocked and rejected, by the majority of those not having any Christian beliefs, and we could not expect anything other than such response.

It is much to be regretted, that many people in the Church membership, lay and clergy , even to the heights of leadership do not accept the Virgin birth.  A you might expect, they have no credible explanation.  The word ‘virgin’ is in the original translation is said to state,

‘Virgin, a woman not having had sexual relationship with a man’ .

There are in the Church many who cannot accept the doctrine of the Virgin Birth, but will readily stand up in Church and recite the Apostles Creed each Sunday.

It appears the only faithful followers, are the preachers who are Bible preaching Pastors.  However, as all ordained men and women, vowed to follow the Holy Scriptures and banish all doctrine, there should be a conscience question regarding their hypocrisy.  Every service taken, in most Churches, the Apostles Creed is said, with the words ‘I believe….in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,’ 


These verses tell us of the entrance into our world by Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, and the doctrine of the Virgin Birth has been the doctrine of all denominations for centuries, and only in these liberal times has it been the subject of controversy.
Matthew and Luke are trustworthy. The evidence that they are giving you are facts - not myths. That brings us to Mary.
There have been denials of the biblical facts about Jesus' birth from the earliest years of the church's history. But people in the ancient world were able distinguish fact from fiction just as we can. The great body of believers said, they are not myths."

Isaiah predicted 700years earlier, that a young woman of marriageable age, who is also a virgin would give birth to a son - and he would be "God with us" - Immanuel. Matthew is wanting to teach us that Jesus is the fulfilment of the promises of God in the Old Testament.
God is directly concerned and involved throughout history. God is faithful and always keeps his word. God promised to raise up a Savior from the line of Abraham and the line of David.

There are depths which are too deep for us to fully comprehend; be content to believe with reverent minds and not speculate that which we do not understand. There are many things we do not understand, but fully accept without hesitation. How is it by holding a small plastic box without any outer connection, but by pressing a combination of numbers you can speak within seconds to someone on the other side of the world. Very few people can explain, yet we all use.
As we leave this passage, try to remember Jesus is both human and divine. He did the work God sent him to do, healing the sick and dying.
People will sing carols, and over eat and drink and spend more money than they can afford; pop groups will sing of ‘chris.-ee-mus’ without ever giving a thought as to why it is Christ-mas.
All very well Harry Belafonte telling us we shall live for ever more because of Christmas Day, when in fact we shall live for evermore because of what this baby Jesus went on to do on the Cross.
Above all trust in God and let this Christmas be one in which we remember the person it is all about—
The Lord Jesus Christ.

May you all have a happy and blessed Christmas.


We praise God for His  Holy Word.  May He forever be glorified

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


             Philippians 4 v4.-7

In these four verses, which are the Epistle for Sunday services, we have the marks of the  Christian Church.

The Apostle Paul sets before the Philippians two qualities of Life. The first is joy. When he says rejoice, he has in mind an image of what may happen in the days ahead. He was in prison at this time, with the prospect of execution facing him; but the Philippians were facing dark days, with dangers and persecutions ,as they were beginning to live the Christian way,

Paul said, he knew what he was  saying, and may happen.  Christian joy did not depend on what may  happen on earth, but on the continual  presence of Christ. Just as two people in love are happy when together, no matter where they were, this is why the Christian should never lose joy because Jesus is always with him or her.  He then said, let your moderation be known to all.

The Greeks said a law or regulation may appear to be justice, but some cases could be unjust.  A person has the quality to now when not to apply the law strictly, in order to show mercy.

For example, two students may sit an examination, and one will receive eighty marks, whilst the other only get fifty marks, both of which are acceptable. When the results were analyzed, it was found the student with the high marks had access to several books, and lived in a peaceful home.  The second student lived in a poor home with no books to guide.  If based on justice, both students did equally well, but if as was passed on quality, the teacher may decide not to be too strict but to show understanding.

Paul sees the Christian knows there is something apart from justice. When the Priests took the woman who had committed adultery to Jesus to be stoned, but Jesus did not penalize her, but said the first one to admit they had not sinned, could throw the first stone. There was no response, and they overlooked the fact that it takes two to commit adultery, and only one was picked on.

Paul stated the mark of Christian in a personal relationship, must know when to act and when not to act. Which makes a man like God

The reason Paul stated, was the Lord is at hand. If we remain for the coming of Christ, then we shall never lose hope or joy.  Life is short, and when the end comes, we shall not wish for enforcement of justice, which so often derides people.  We will wish  to have God deal with us in love.

In verses 6 and 7, life for the Philippians was bound to be a worrying time. Even being a human being in a human situation, was to be vulnerable to all the chances of this mortal life, is in it- self a worrying time.  To a Christian in the early Church was a worry, and in any situation took his life in his hands. Paul’s solution was prayer.  In this passage, there is  a whole philosophy of prayer.

Paul stressed, that we can take everything to God in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.  As it has been beautifully stated, there is nothing too great for God’s power; and nothing too small for His care.  A child can take things large or small to a parent, so we can take anything to our heavenly Father.  A child is quite sure that whatever happens to it, is of interest of mother and father.  The triumphs and disappointments, the cuts and bruises, all can be taken without doubting that the parents are willing to listen. We should do likewise to God.

We can bring our prayer requests to God; can pray for ourselves; for the present or past and for guidance for the future; pray for all our shame; for all our needs; with all our fears take everything to God,  We an pray for others, and commend to God’s care those who are near or far, and for those ever in our memories  and within our hearts,

Paul lays down that prayer must be accompanied by thanksgiving.  It  was his conviction that every prayer must include thanksgiving.  The Christian must feel, as it has been put, that all life  as it were suspended between past and present blessings.  All prayer must include thanks for the privilege  of prayer, and we should be thankful for being able to take everything to God. This emphasizes gratitude and perfect submission to the will of God,  It is only  when we are fully  convinced that God is making all things work together for good, that we can really feel to Him the perfect gratitude which believing  prayer demands.

When we pray, we must remember three things. We remember the love of God which seeks and desires what is good for us. We must remember the wisdom of God which alone can bring the things that are best for us   There are those who pray with a perfect belief and trust in the love and wisdom and the power of God will find God’s peace.

The result if believing prayer, is that the peace of God will stand guard in our hearts.  That peace Paul said, passes all understanding.  It means that the peace of God is a mystery, that human mind cannot understand, but is true.  It means the peace of God is so precious, that the human mind with all its skill and knowledge can never contrive it or find or prove it.  It is entirely beyond our ability to obtain. This is only of God’s giving.  The way to peace is to take ourselves and all we hold dear, to take all life and place them and ourselves trusting in the hands of God

We thank God with true hearts and praise His Holy Name.  May .He be Glorified

Friday, 6 December 2024

Philippians 1 verses 3/11

This passage of Scripture is the Epistle for Sunday.

The chief theme of this Letter is encouragement.  Paul wants the Philippians to live out their lives as citizens of a heavenly like colony, as evidenced by a growing commitment of service to God and to one another, amidst an unholy environment in an area we know as Macedonia.  This Church was special to Paul, in that this was the first Church he founded, and now he is writing to them from a prison cell.

There is Christian joy, which the Letter portrays.  In this passage we see an emphasis on joy, so much it has been termed as the Epistle of joy.

He begins with the joy of Christian prayer, bringing those we love, to the mercy seat of God.

There is the joy that Jesus Christ preached. When a man enjoys a great blessing, his first effort is to share it, and there is the joy that the gospel is being preached across the world.

There is the joy of faith. If Christianity does not make a person happy, it will not make them happy at all.

There is the joy of seeing Christians in fellowship. There is no peace for anyone in a broken relationship.  Only in Christ can there be the happiness of perfect relationships.

There is joy in the news of the loved one.  Life is full of separations, and there is joy when we hear of them coming to see us.

There is the joy of suffering for Christ. A privilege, for it is an opportunity to show beyond all doubt, our loyalty. and we are able to keep the rebuilding of the Kingdom f God.

There is the joy of Christian hospitality.  There is the closed door and the open door, where there is a welcome  to let a friend know they are still loved.

There is joy of the man (woman) in Christ. We have already seen that to be in Christ, is to live in  His presence, and human nature to be happy, when we are with a Christian whose friendship is valued by us

There is joy for the man(woman)who has won one soul for Christ.  The Philippians were Paul’s joy and crown, for he was the one to bring them to Christ,  the joy is more, with one knowing they have made someone to be a fellow Christian.  I, with fellow Ministers of the gospel, have the joy of looking back with fond remembrance, of those we had the privilege of making them Christians.

He begins by expressing his gratitude and affection for them, followed by praying their holiness would increase. Along with Timothy, he gives the standard greeting of Christians, that of grace. And calls himself a servant.


Paul found joy in the Church, a theme which runs through the Letter despite, the fact that it can be sometimes a heartache; which is the reality of any Church.  The Church was his life, as it has been mine for many years and I love the Church, and now without having the responsibilities of a parish, I have the added joy of going to so many lovely Churches.

Paul had visited Philippi some years before writing this Letter, and had preached the gospel, and brought many to faith in Christ Jesus.  They had supported him financially, and after a period had elapsed, had sent him another gift which caused this response.

We live in a far different world, but the essential doctrines of the Church are the same, which indicates that this Letter speaks clearly to us and we can learn from it what makes Christianity distinctive from other faiths.

The foundation for spiritual growth is to recognise that it is God who calls us, and spiritual progress depends on what God does.  God is faithful and promises believers He will be with us until Jesus returns.  Paul is confident that God is at work in their Church because He always finishes that which He creates.

There are times in a Church when you feel God at work, but this has to be recognised.  Just as some people will go to a building site and see a mass of rubble, others will recognise a building under construction.  We have to be conscious of God’s presence and respond.

In verses 7/8 Paul speaks of loving this Church and having it on his heart.  He longs to see them and of all the Churches this was his particular one, the one he is most fond of, probably because it was his first founding Church. 

I can understand his feelings.  I now visit a lot of Churches, and whilst I enjoy going to all of them, there is one I love being placed at above all others.  The reception I get probably appeals in a way it shouldn’t, and to be told how the people appreciate traditional Bible preaching, makes all the preparation feel worthy, but most of all we believe in the same doctrines of faith.

Paul was passionate about gospel partners.  There was a bond, and whilst he could have reminded them of many things, what excited him was their partnership in the gospel.  There is one thing in coming to Church, and yet another to let the Church into your heart.  Paul is telling us it is a whole hearted commitment to living and telling the truth; to have a 100% commitment to the work of fellowship in the family of the Church, and you give yourself fully.

Paul likened the Church to a body, when one part is hurt it is felt right through one’s system.  We feel the same when a member of the Church acts in a way which is detrimental to the faith, for it rebounds on the wider Church.  We have seen how one denomination behaves in a way which is contrary to Scripture and receives massive publicity, which is then attached to other more faithful Churches.

There is a call to see one another as a family related in a different way to our biological family.  We may not have the same genes, but we have the same grace.  We trust in Jesus, and His death on the Cross assures us we are sinners forgiven with a promise of eternal salvation.

In he final verses of this passage Paul tells them he is praying for them and for what is best for them.  We should all do this for our own particular Church, and seek God’s will for us and not that of the most vociferous member.

It is difficult at this time with a shortage of  preachers. A Church needs a consistent message which it cannot get if it is receiving a variety of preachers.  One week there is a preacher with an evangelical message, the next week there is liable to be one with a totally different belief, where the connection with Scripture is purely coincidental.  This was a weakness Charles Wesley noted with an itinerant ministry and w as against it.

Paul prays for an abounding love which can overflow to others.  This does not mean sentimentalism or emotionalism. And also calls for excellence in the Church.  A| Church should delight at being known as place where the gospel is boldly and faithfully preached. 

This longing for Churches with a bible message has led to such disappointment and concern amongst Methodists, once a strong evangelical movement, now betraying their founder who preached a completely different message regarding marriage. John Wesley firmly taught marriage was one man and one woman, and would feel shocked, that the decision was carried to have same sex partners receiving a marriage ceremony, especially as each member was not consulted on this occasion as it was when first raised two years previously, and clearly rejected.  Obviously no chances were to be given members a second time.

We should aim to have the kind of life depicted by Paul, and stand out in the world as place which has something special to offer, rather than a community centre with a religious flavour. 

Most of all we should avoid trying to imitate society and adopt its practices; the first Christians conquered just by being Christians.  Unless we observe Biblical conditions we will never experience the blessings.

My God bless you and be with you.


Monday, 2 December 2024



John the Baptist.    Luke 3


If you study your Bible you will find there is a gap of four hundred years between the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, and the first book of the New Testament Matthew.  There was no one outstanding figure, no one to prophesy to the people.

Then all of a sudden there comes on the scene a man called John the Baptist.  He was referred to in the Scriptures as one chosen to prepare the way for the Lord, and in Luke we read that he was chosen before his birth.  He proved to be a very special person.

Jesus made special mention of him, describing him as a burning and shining light with no other man comparable to him.  He lived out in the wilderness close to wild beasts alongside the river Jordan, wearing clothes of camel hair tied with a leather belt.  He ate honey and locusts.

John was a fearless preacher, who attacked the religious leaders of his day, calling them a brood of vipers, he even attacked the king for immoral living, which caused him to be arrested and subsequently beheaded, yet crowds of people flocked to hear him preaching his call for them to repent of their sins.

Those who listened to him, wondered who he was as he spoke so authoritatively.  They thought he might be one of the great prophets returned.  But he was a humble man, who never sought public acclaim, and was never willing to compromise or seek greatness.  He referred to himself, as one not even fit to untie the sandals of the One was to come.

In every Bible story, there is inevitably a lesson for us today.  John was a holy man who tried to live a worthy and good life, and as Christians that should be our aim.

 There is a lesson for preachers, in that there was a man who was prepared to speak the truth and was not afraid to be criticised, and he didn’t seek to modify his message to please those around him.  How many would be prepared to speak forthrightly in our Cathedrals, indeed how many would be allowed to. 

John said what he believed God wanted him to say, what people needed to hear rather than consider what they wanted to hear.  People went to hear him, because whether they agreed with him or not there was substance in what he said, and that is a difference in many Churches to day.

I listen to sermons today, and sometimes I pray that no stranger was in Church that day or they would be put off for life.  We must not be afraid of upsetting people, but as long as a preacher is not offensive, for which there would be no justification, it should be remembered that a sermon should stimulate thinking, and most reasonable people would welcome that however much they disagreed with content.

As John was near the end of his life he was kept in a dungeon at a place in the North East corner of the Dead Sea, an extremely hot and oppressive spot.  He had criticised Herod for his immoral lifestyle, and this was the punishment.

He was a sad and disillusioned man, for his ministry was over and he feels alienated as people appeared to have forgotten him, especially when Jesus was the focus of attention and he himself faced death.

John had always spoken strongly and faithfully about Jesus, and he felt Jesus was doing nothing to help him, and wonderd if in fact Jesus was the promised Messiah.  Doubt had entered his mind, which probably affects most people at times, for one senior cleric once stated, that if you never had any doubts you had never done any serious thinking.

In order to clear his mind, John asked his disciples to see Jesus and ask Him if he really was the One they were expecting.  Jesus told those disciples to go and tell John of what Jesus had actually done, in answering prayer and that things happen in God’s own time. 

However hard to accept, God has His own plans and Jesus will return one day to pronounce judgement.

We know, ultimately John offended the king's wife, and when she got the opportunity took revenge.  Her daughter danced erotically before the king, and was promised anything she asked for, and at her mother's insistence asked for the head of John the Baptist.  The king regretful, but unwilling to be humiliated agreed.

Jesus knew people could fall away, and give in when things appeared to be going wrong for them. It still happens, and we can be very cruel within the Church sometimes by careless talk, but on other occasions deliberately. I had a lady in my Church who worked very hard for the Church, and demonstrated her faith in a very practical way. She trained to be a Reader, was PCC Secretary, and if anyone fell ill was the first to offer practical assistance to help them through their illness. What you might say ‘an ideal Christian’.

Sadly, a new Vicar had a wife who was so intensely jealous that some other woman could be more popular than her, that she made life intolerable for her, causing my friend to leave the Church and fall away for a time. There can be no justification for animosity within a Church.

If you have felt disappointed, or feel no one cares for you remember this passage, knowing there will be judgment one day, and all who do goodness will be welcomed into God’s Kingdom.
There comes times of suffering and weakness in all our lives. We may suffer loss, or have some seemingly impossible matter to deal with. It is so easy to give in, but if you do give in, it can be so hard to get back.
There are so many ill minded people who long to destroy our faith, some within positions of influence in society, and too many politicians who want to take Christianity out of the public domain; their words may appear attractive when you are downcast. If you have trusted God and for some reason nothing has happened, your faith will be under severe attack.

John acts as a warning to us, but he came out of his difficulty. You too can. Think of that great hymn by Ray Palmer, ‘my faith looks up to thee.’ Above all, never let doubt lead you to a spiritual desert. It is sad when someone loses their faith, and like many Ministers I have seen it too often. You may think it can’t happen to you, but it can.

May you be inspired and your faith be made strong by the story of this unique and Godly man, whom Jesus described John as  ‘ there being non born of woman who is greater’.

May God’s Holy Name be praised and God for ever be glorified.