. LUKE 21, v 25-38
“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and
stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the
roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified at what
they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
Then everyone will see the Son of Man[a] coming on a cloud with power and great
glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for
your salvation is near!”
Then he gave them this illustration: “Notice the
fig tree, or any other tree. When the leaves come out, you know
without being told that summer is near. In the same way, when you
see all these things taking place, you can know that the Kingdom of God is
near. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the
scene until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will
disappear, but my words will never disappear.
“Watch out! Don’t let
your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this
life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, like a trap. For that
day will come upon everyone living on the earth. Keep alert at all
times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors
and stand before the Son of Man.”
Every day Jesus went to the Temple to teach, and each
evening he returned to spend the night on the Mount of Olives. The
crowds gathered at the Temple early each morning to hear him
This coming Sunday is the First Sunday in Advent, when the
Gospel reading will be from Luke in Chapter 21 beginning in verse25; Luke’s
gospel is the one we will be turning to almost each Sunday.
The reading foretells of the return of Jesus at some future
date, and offers guidance as we think of that return. Jesus tells the signs, and what we can expect
to happen. The description portrays the
terrible circumstances accompanying this return. There will be signs in the
sun, moon and stars; and on earth nations will be distressed and confused; the sea
and waves will be roaring and the hearts of people failing them, for fear of
looking after these things which are falling on earth; the powers of heaven
will be shaken, and Jesus will come on a cloud.
This seems a frightful picture. One thing is clearly made
plain, the second coming will be attended by all, which can make it frightening
to the senses of hearts and minds.
When Moses received the Commandments on Mount Sinai, he
feared and shook, it was so terrible.
The return of Jesus, when He comes in power and glory, will possibly be
much more terrible. The Apostle Paul said, knowing the terrors of the Lord, we
persuade men.
The thoughtless and unrepentant people may tremble when
they hear this return of Christ. What will they do when business suddenly stops,
and the precious things of this world become worthless; when the graves are
opened and the sound of a trumpet is calling people to face judgement; what
happens when that same Jesus whose gospel has been neglected shall appear in
the clouds of heaven, and put down every enemy?
There will be probably be panic calls for the hills to fall on
them. But if a person has never called
on Christ for help before, any call will be in vain.
How happy will be those who have called on Jesus for help
when n need, and who have placed trust and faith on Him.
In a more pleasant scene, we find how complete will be the
security of Christians at His coming. Christians are people who have accepted
Jesus in this world and worshipped Him, rather than those who deceive
themselves, by thinking an odd visit to a Church when something interests them,
or of not being of any other faith. The Lord said to his disciples, when these
things come to pass, look up and lift your heads for your redemption is near.
The Second Coming may be terrible to the ones who had not
recognized Jesus, but for the believer can have no fear, only joy. The complete
deliverance from sin, the world and the devil, are close at hand, and soon
there will be farewell to sickness, sorrow, death and temptation. The day the unbelievers shall lose
everything, is the day the believers
earn their eternal reward. The hour when the worldly man’s hopes shall
perish, shall be the day when the believers day is exchanged for joyful
The servant of God, should look forward to the return of
Christ. A little time shall come, and
will not stop. The words of the prophet
Isaiah shall be fulfilled. The Lord God shall wipe away all tears from all
faces, and the rebuke of His people shall be shaken from this world for ever.
We see from this passage, how useful it is to watch for the
signs of the time in the Second Advent of
Christ. Our Lord teaches this lesson from a parable. Behold the fig tree and
other trees; when they shoot forth, you see and know of your own sign of summer
is at hand. So likewise, when these things come to pass, you know the Kingdom
of God is at hand.
The disciples wrongly supposed the Messiah’s Kingdom would
be ushered in by worldly peace. Our Lord
on the contrary tells them, that the signs which shall immediately precede it,
shall be wars, confusions and distress.
The general duty of these words teach us are plain. We are
to watch carefully the public events of the times we love. We are not to be absorbed in politics, but to
mark public events We are to diligently
study the signs of the time; by doing so, the day of Christ will not come to us
The Protestant Church is to preach the Gospel to all- the
general interest in the state of the Jews, the shaking of governments-the rise
and progress of infidelity, are all the signs peculiar to one day.
We should not let those who mock us shake our faith. If God
states something, He will bring it to pass, and the probability and
profitability of it, are matters which should not trouble us at all. That Christ should come to the world and reign,
is not to be compared to that when He came to suffer death on a Cross. This
time He will come in glory and wear a crown.
He has said this, and He will do it.
These verses lead to the conclusion our Lord’s practical
discourse. They give the answer to all
who condemn the study of unfulfilled prophecy. Let it be known of the danger
which even the holiest believer faces in this world. Jesus said to his disciples, take heed to
yourselves, lest your hearts be
overcharged with the cares of life, so that day come upon you unawares.
These words were mot delivered to the Pharisees, the
Sadducees or Herodians, they were said to Peter, James and John, and the other Apostles. They were given to men who had given up everything
for the sake of Christ, and had proved the reality of their faith, by willing
obedience and steady loyalty to their Master. Yet even to them. The Lord holds
out the peril of worldly passions.
The warning should teach us the immense importance of
humility. There is no sin so great but a
great saint may fall into it. Noah escaped from the flood, but later turned to drunkenness;
Abraham was the father of the faithful, but later lied when he said Sarah was
his sister instead of wife; Lot was not part of the wickedness of Sodom, yet
later fell to sin; Moses was the meekness man on earth yet later spoke angrily;
David was a man after God’s own heart yet fell into adultery. These examples emphasise the warnings from
the Lord.
The importance of worldly spirit should warn us. Excess in eating and drinking, is not the
only excess which may injure us. There is an excess about the innocent things
of life which can injure us.
The precise date of the Lord’s return has been withheld from
us by God. No man has any idea of the
day. The teaching of Scripture is clear
and unmistakeable. Whenever it takes place, it will be a sudden and unexpected event.
All will be going on as usual, even among true believers there will be
expectation. The King of Kings will
appear and the dead will be raised; unbelief
will wither away.
The Gospel does not call on us to retire from earthly life,
or to neglect the duties of life. It does not call on us to retire to
hermitages or monasteries, it calls on us to live as people who expect the
We finally hear from these verses, the special duties of
believers in respect of the Second Advent of Christ. The Lord sums up under two deeds. Watchfulness, to live on guard, remembering
evil is all around us; to pray always and speak to God daily, and for grace to
lay aside every weight, and everything which might interfere with our readiness
to meet our Lord.
May God’s Holy Name be praised and He for ever be glorified
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