I want to speak to-day on the
subject of marriage. This has become in
the present day a controversial subject, which I imagine will only be
acceptable to a limited number of people. Some people reading this sermon, may not
agree with what is written, I ask you to
think for a moment. And consider why.
I, in my position as a Minister
in the Church, am bound to preach the truth as the Bible teaches. I have
sincerely told only that which is stated in Scripture. There will be clergy who
disagree, I have experienced that, but have failed to offer a credible
I begin with the words of the Bible in Genesis
at Chapter 2 at v18. Then he LORD God
said, ‘it is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper fit
for him’ …the LORD God caused a deep sleep
to fall upon the man, and while he slept, took out one of his ribs and
closed up its pace with flesh. And the rib that he LORD God had taken from the
man, he made a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, ‘this at
last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she will becalled woman as she
was taken out of man’.
Therefore a man shall leave
his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh.
So from the beginning of
creation, man and woman, made by divine design by God as God’s first human
institution, marriage was the first of creation. From, and since that time, in
every nation across the world. men and women have joined together as man and
This is a clear declaration.
No other relationship in marriage ,here, or elsewhere in Holy Scripture; other human
relationships, but none but none in matrimony.
God has made two people, Adam
and Eve, and we must accept that the God of creation knows best, and when He
wanted man to have a companion He created a woman as the perfect answer. Every
man who is honest, will freely and gladly say, this was God’s greatest gift to
man. A helper, who will give life more meaning pleasure and support, to love
and cherish.
Made not out of his head to
rule over him, not out of his foot to be trampled on, but out of his side to be
equal with him. God gave man, someone who
could complement him in every way, physically and mentally. Two people equal yet different, no question
of superiority or inferiority, The wife is now number one in the man’s life
having precedence over all others.
As they live together through
the years, the two should grow in love in an exclusive commitment. They will share likes and dislikes, with
different strengths and weaknesses. They
will come to know each-others feelings, and be able to anticipate what the
other is thinking.
Marriage was intended to be
celebrated in a Church, before God, where they pledge their faithfulness to
each other, and there is the giving of a ring(s) ; the ring has no break, no
ending, signifying unending love. Made
of gold, is precious and for longevity,
This is what God intended.
Henry Ford, the great motor-maker
was once asked what formula he had for his successful marriage, and he
answered, the same formula for making a successful a car; stick to one model.
Young Minister asked his
bishop for guidance, to find the right kind of woman for him to marry. The bishop told him, find one pretty,
prudent, and having private means, and preferably in reverse order.
Casual sex partnerships are
contrary to God and creation, and only create much hardship and sadness and
distress. Too often, a woman is left with children and the worry of caring for
them. This heartless and shameful, and
worthy of severe condemnation. Children
become the main victim, and having had children, people should face their
responsibility. I can remember vividly, my sons coming home from school, and
the first words were, Where is Mum?
Children depend on TWO parents,
and when deprived of a proper home, it effects their young minds, and their
lives are shattered. Repeated surveys have established this as factual.
Invariably, children so deprived turn to crime and a lot of anti-social
Marriage is a solid foundation
for bringing up children, who are a key factorn God’s intention for marriage.
I spent many years in one of the country’s most vibrant cities, and I said to a
Rabbi friend that I had never known a Jewish boy or girl commit anti-social behavior. I asked him if he knew of any reason for
this, and his immediate reply was ‘Mama’, she keeps control of her family.
I am sure there are mamas in
Christian families, not as many as there should be, but the loss is due to mothers
and fathers who break up the family. A child needs both, a father and mother. I
think people who say two men, or two
women are equally as good, are fantasying.
I accept they try, but the natural means was how God ordered society,
man woman and child(ren) This gives
balance the children need, the experience of two people, their father and mother.
Marriage is a solid foundation
which creates stability for society.
When activists want to create confusion and disturbance, the family is
the first place to attack
I have given a godly
description of Marriage, and I am sure
it will upset some people in society today. I hope you will not be upset, but if
you are, think for a moment why; have I touched a sore point?
Marriage has been under attack
for a long time, but never as much as of now. At one time the couple pledged
to stay together, till death do us part. Now it would be more appropriate to
say, until we get fed up with each other.
To-day’s society is of course so much self-pleasured and self-concerned.
Divorce has been a custom for
many years, but people in happier days faced up to their obligations, in
addition being costly and sometimes a difficulty in one party denying any wrong
doing, and proving can be most difficult in some cases.
Politicians in governments
have made it so easy to divorce. Now,
one party can decide to divorce, and the other partner has nothing to stop;
this is the age of no fault, when all
will be over in weeks.
In most social cases, there is
always an acceptable exception, and in divorce there has to be provision for women
being abused physically by husbands. Whilst such is Despicable, it is still an
actual practice.
The homosexual lobby has led a
campaign, aided by politicians and bishops, which seeks to destroy the God given
form of marriage. It has actually been stated that as marriage according to the
Bible causes upset to those who disagree with that, and should be abandoned. A prominent Labor politician has put forward
a proposal that the Church of England should be made by law to marry same sex
couples. The Archbishop of Canterbury
and other bishops are in favor.
The homosexual lobby has been supported
by a well-organized and successful society, and offers much opposition to
natural and biblical definition of marriage.
Led once by a Prime Minister,
who labelled himself to be a Conservative, a law was specially made whereby criticism
of other form of marriage was hate speech.
Whilst we live in an alleged
free country, people are free to arrange their life in any way they wish, and
it is purely a personal decision as to how they do so. They should be allowed
to as they wish, without any unsuitable comments or malice being made
A further complication has
been made, where the Archbishop of Canterbury, has with other bishops cast aside the Bible. As
I have just stated, how people choose to live is entirely personal, but the
Church is bound to abide by the Word of God, and cannot give approval to any
word or action which is contrary to the teaching of God in the Holy Bible,
however much sympathy is felt.
This would mean all clergy, of any rank, would
be breaking vows made to GOD in the House of God faithfully preach only that
supported by Holy Scripture. This is purely
an honorable issue. and not an act or criticism against any persons.
The Church of England has been
rejected by other Church leaders in the Anglican Community, and have stated
they will not accept association until the Archbishop repents of their action
in giving blessing to that which is not supported by the Bible
A regrettable consequence of
the Archbishop’s action is that it has caused much sadness amongst members and division with the
Church, as some are ready to accept and others not accepting, so causing people
to stop attending at the very time it needs to add people, not to chase them
For over two thousand years, in
every nation in the world, men and women were accepting marriage as created by
God. When we move away from the Bible,
we can face other difficulties. There are people who would like to have three
or four people in a marriage; others wanting brother and sister marriage. Until
very recently, no nation across the world had any desire or intention to change
the original form
I wish all couples planning
marriage in the future, every happiness and enjoyment together. If they are like my marriage, you will never
want it to end.
May God bless you and May God’s Holy Name be Glorified.
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