Monday, 9 September 2024

n 3 v 14-16


In these verses, the continuation of the conversation, between Jesus and Nicodemus is stated. Having been told of rebirth, Jesus goes on to talk about justification. We have words which have brought eternal life to many people.

The verses show what ignorance here can be in the minds of men in high Offices. Here is a master of Israel, knowing nothing about salvation.  This exposed darkness in Jewish faith, and how much Jesus was needed.

Ignorance like that of Nicodemus, is unhappily far too common in the Church of Christ. We must not be surprised if we find ourselves in places where we might expect knowledge,  learning, rank and  high Church office. is no proof of someone taught by the Holy Spirit. The successors of Nicodemus, are far more numerous than the successors of Peter.’

On no point is religion so common as in the work of the Holy Spirit. The stumble of Nicodemus is as much to thousands in the present day as it was in the days of Christ.

The natural man or woman, know nothing about the Spirit of God.

John begins these verses, with a story from the  twenty first Chapter of Numbers in the Old Testament.  The Israelites had been wandering in the wilderness complaining and regretting having left Egypt.  To punish them, God sent a plague of serpents. The people pleaded for mercy, so God told Moses their leader, to make an image of a serpent, and hold it up in the midst of the camp, and all who looked at it would be healed and saved.

The Israelites were much impressed, and in the following times the brazen serpent became an image and an idol, but the King of that time was Hezekiah, who made them destroy it as it was being worshipped, and it was forbidden to worship any brazen images. The Rabbis said, it was not the serpent that killed and gave life. Israel looked, and so long as Moses lifted up the serpents, they believed on Him who had commanded Moses to so act. It was God who healed them.

Secondly, we see the same source from which salvation springs; that source is the Father. Jesus said to Nicodemus, God so loved the world he gave  His only Son and whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

This wonderful verse has been called by Martin Luther, ‘the Bible in miniature’., and no other words are more important than those five words, so God loved the world. The love here spoken of is not that special love with which the Father regards His own chosen ones, but that mighty compassion which He regards the whole race of mankind. Its object is not merely the little flock which He gave to Christ from eternity, but the whole of sinners without exception.

There is a deep sense in which God loves the world. All He has created He regards with pity and compassion. Their sins He cannot love, nut He loves their souls. His tender mercy is over all His works.  Christ is God’s gracious gift to the world. 

We should  take heed, that even views of the love of God are Scriptural. God hates wickedness and anyone who persists wickedness will end in destruction. His love is offered to all people freely, fully, honestly, and unreservedly, but only through Christ’s redemption.

God has planned for salvation for sinners.  Jesus told Nicodemus, that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man must be lifted up so that all who believed in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  It was the payment by an Almighty Savior,, and representative of man’s enormous debt to God.  His death purchased pardon and redemption for sinners.  The brazen serpent lifted up the camp of Israel and brought health to all who were bitten by serpents.

The truth before us, is the foundation stone of Christianity. The death of Christ is the Christian’s life.  The Cross of Christ is the title to heaven. Christ lifted up to shame at Calvary  is the ladder by which Christians are lifted up, into the holiest and landed in glory. It is true whatsoever beside this faith is necessary  to our complete justification, but nothing beside faith will give an interest in Christ

We see  a suitable conclusion to the tidings which  have been considered.  They show in simple terms, that salvation is entirely of God. The doctrine laid down ought to be carefully remembered, it is an answer to enemies of the truth. God is ready to forgive any sinner. God has sent light into the world, and if anyone does not come to the light, the fault is on them.

The truths we have studied are solemn.  Do you believe them? Salvation by the death of we are guilty debtors, but Christ has died for us in His own blood.  This is the real gospel, this we lean on while we live in this world, this we cling to when we die

Faith in the Lord Jesus, is the very way to salvation. He that has it has salvation. Nothing

Christ is close to us, it must be embraced by faith and make it our own.  Let  no one rest until they have claimed to follow this Savior.  Keep on believing in Him bearing in mind He

who does has real life.  He who does not shall perish.

May God’s Holy Name be Praised and may He be Glorified

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