Tuesday 24 September 2024


M A R K  9 v38—50

The Gospel reading for Sunday

The Apostle John said to Jesus, Master we saw someone casting out devils in Thy name, and he followed not us; the man we forbade Him because he did not follow us.  The man was doing good work no doubt. He was warring on the same side as the Apostles beyond question; but this did not satisfy John. He did work in the company of the Apostles, he did not fight in line with them, and John had forbidden him. 

But now let us hear what the great Head of the Church decides.  Jesus said forbid him not; for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name that come lightly, speak evil of me. For he that is not against us, is on our part.

Here is a golden rule, and one that human nature needs and is too often forgotten.  Men in all branches of Christ’s Church are apt to think no good can be done unless its has been done by someone in their own denomination. They are so narrow minded that they cannot conceive the possibility of working any other pattern but which they follow. They make an idol of their own ecclesiastical machinery, and cannot see merit in any other. They are like him who cried, when Elad and Medad prophesied on the camp they had, and Moses forbid them

In that intolerant spirit, were once the blackest pages of Christian history. Christians have persecuted Christians for no other reason that John gave,  they have practically proclaimed their brethren, you follow me or not work for Christ at all.

Let us be on our guard against such action. This is too close to our hearts. We should have a tolerant spirit which Jesus has recommended,  and be thankful for good works whosoever has done them.  We should not stop and check others who do not do it our way.

I, at one time declined to attend United Church services, when all the different Churches would meet together. We all would be invited to share in Holy Communion, but Protestant Churches were barred when held in Roman Catholic Church.  I cannot imagine Jesus asking what denomination we were from, and as we were worshipping Him, all should be as one.  Are we not all striving for the same Lord?

Happy is the someone who know something of Moses, who said would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets. Paul said, if Christ is praised I rejoice.

We see the need of giving up everything which stands in the way of our salvation.  Whatever cost is involved, we are expected to sacrifice. This sounds stern and harsh, but Jesus did not give this rule without cause. Compliance is needed, our bodies sense the channels through which temptation comes.

We have to resolve by God’s grace, to make practical use of our Lord’s injunction in this place.  However, others may ridicule us for our strictness. Let us deny ourselves any action which will incur peril of sinning against God.  Let us walk in the footsteps of Job; he says I made a covenant with my eyes.

There is no mercy, in keeping back from men the subject of hell. Fearful and tremendous as it is, it ought to be pressed on all, as one of the great truths of Christianity. Our loving Savior often spoke about it

The Apostle John, in the book of Revelation, often describes it. The servants of God these days, should not be ashamed to say it, and confessing their belief in it. Were there no boundless mercy in Christ for all who believe in Him we might well shrink from the awful topic Where there no precious blood of Christ to cleanse away all sin, we might keep silence about the wrath to come. But there is mercy for all who ask in the name of Christ.  There is a fountain open for all sin.

Boldly and unhesitatingly maintain there is a hell, and call for all to flee from it before it be too late.  Knowing the terrors of the Lord’s wrath, the worm, let us persuade men.  It is not possible to say too much about Christ, nut it is possible to say too little about hell.

May the words of our Lord ring in our ears.  Have salt in yourselves and peace with one another.  Make sure you have the grace given to us with watchfulness, and pray to be kept from, carelessness and sin. Lest we be overtaken in faults, bring misery to our conscience and discredit our profession.

Let us make sure we have the grace of the Holy Spirit preserving from corruption, sanctifying, purifying our whole being. Live in peace seekingGreat things, but clothed with humility. And loving all who love Christ.

We give thanks to God. May His Holy name be Praised and He be glorified



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