Sunday 29 September 2024


J O H N  7  v 1-24

This Chapter following on from Chapter 6. Occurs after a wide interval of time. Jesus had left Jerusalem, and here John tells of events there.

This story portrays hardness and unbelief of human nature. Even the brothers of Jesus did not believe in Him, the holiness, harmlessness, and blameless as He was in life; some close relatives did not receive Him as the Messiah.  It was bad enough that the Jews wanted to kill Him, but even worse for Him was that His brothers did not believe in Him.

The true servants of Christ in every age, should remember the words of Jesus at another time, ‘no one comes to me unless the Father who had sent me, draw him.

Jesus learned by experience how to sympathize with all people who stand alone.  They are apt to think it was their fault, and are ready to blame themselves because their families are unbelieving.  Jesus said there was no fault in word or deed, yet His own brothers let Him down.

The possession of spiritual privilege alone never made a Christian, all is useless without the effectual and applying of the Holy Spirit.

Our blessed Lord was as stated, sympathetic with all who stand alone, which gives out a thought of sweet and pleasant comfort. He knows the heart of all His people who stand alone, He has passed through such trials. If anyone is cast down because of being despised by brothers or sisters, turn to Christ for comfort.

We should see the reason why people need to hate Jesus. He said to His unbelieving brothers, ‘the world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify of it, and the evil it does.’  These words reveal the principles which influence people in religion treatment. They help to explain that deadly enmity with which many during our Lord’s ministry regarded Him and the Gospel.

 It was not so much to the high doctrine which He preached, as the high standard it produced, which gave offence. It was not even His claim to be received as the Messiah, which disliked so much as His witness to the wickedness of their lives. They would have tolerated His opinions if he would have spared their sins.

In principle, we may be sure of our worldly applications. It is the same as it was so many years ago. The total reason why many people dislike the Gospel, is the holy living which it demands. Few will find any fault in doctrine only. To denounce the fashionable sins of the day, and call on people to repent and walk consistently with God, and they will be offended. The true reason why many people profess to be influenced and yet abuse Christianity, is the witness Christianity bears against their own bad lives.

We see the strange variety of opinions about Christ, which were current from the beginning.  We are told there was much murmuring among the people concerning Jesus; some said He was a good man, others said He deceived people. 

The  words which old Simon said years before, were here being accomplished in a striking manner.  Simon said to the Lord’s mother, ;this child is set for the rising and falling of Israel; and a sign which shall be spoken against the thought of many hearts will be revealed.

The diversities of opinions about the Lord, which arose among the Jews, saw the words of Simon being fulfilled.

In the face of such a passage as this, the endless differences and divisions about religion, which we see on all sides, in the present day ought never to surprise us. The open hatred of some to Christ, carping, fault finding, prejudiced spirit, of others, the bold confessions of others, the faithful ones, the timid ones. The unceasing  end of words and strife of tongues, which the Churches of Christ are so familiar with, are modern symptoms of an old disease. Such is the corruption of human nature, that Christ is the cause of division among  wherever He is preached, so long as the world stands.

Some of them, when they hear of Him will love. And some will hate, some will believe, others will not. That deep prophetical saying of His. Will be  continually be verified; ’think not that I come to send peace on earth, I come not to send peace, but a sword.’

A question al Christians should ask themselves is, what do I think of Christ? Never be ashamed of believing in Christ,  listen for His voice and confess Him. Where others waste time in controversy, take up the cross and make a calling. The people of this world may dislike us, it disliked Jesus because religion as standing, is a witness against them.  The last day will show we acted wisely. Lost nothing but gained a crown of glory which will never fade away.

The honest obedience of God’s will is one way to obtain clear spiritual knowledge.  Our Lord said, if any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether of God or other, I speak of myself.

The difficulty of finding out what is truth, is a different subject of complaint as they point out the differences which prevail among Christians, in matters of doctrine and be unable to decide who is right.  In many cases, this professed ability to find out truth is an excuse for not getting any religion at all.

The saying of our Lord before us is the one that, demands the serious attention of person in this state of mind.  It is an argument whose edge and past they will find it hard to evade.  It teaches that our secret of getting the key of knowledge, is to practice what we honestly know, and if we conscientiously use the light we know, and shall find new light coming into our minds. In short, there is  some sense in which it is true that by doing we will become knowing.

There is a lot of truth in this principle. Well would it be for those who, act upon it. Instead of saying, as some do, I must know everything clearly and then will act. We should say I will carefully use the knowledge I have and believe in, using knowledge which is given to me,  How many mysteries this would explain  How manydifficult things would be made simple if given the light, and follow to know the Lord.

God deals with us s moral beings, not as beasts.  He loves to encourage us to self-exertion, and careful of such means as which we have on our hands. The plain things in religion are undeniably many.  Honestly attend to know and be taught the  things of God.

Whatever some say about their ability to find out truth, you will seldom find one of them who does not know more than what he practices. Then, if he is sincere, let him begin at once. Let him humbly use what little knowledge he has, and God will soon give him more. The bible states, if thine eye ne single, thy whole body will be light.

This passage teaches a self-exalting spirit in Ministers of religion, is totally opposite to the mind of Christ.  Our Lord states, he who speaks of himself seeks his own glory; but he that seeks His glory that sent him, the same is true, and there is no unrighteous in  him,  The wisdom and truth of this sentence will be clear to any reflective mind. The Minister truly called of God, will be deeply sensible of his

Lord’s majesty, and his own weakness and unworthiness.

But on the other hand, he who is not moved by the Holy Spirit, will try to cover up any defects by magnifying himself.  the very idea of a desire  to exalt ourselves is a bad symptom.  The keynote which runs through the Epistles of Paul, find humility and a zeal for the glory of Christ.

Lastly. We find in this passage is the danger of forming a hasty judgment.  The Jews at Jerusalem were ready to condemn Jesus as a sinner against the law of Moses because He healed a man on a Sabbath.  They forgot in their blind enmity, the fourth Commandment  did not forbid the works of necessity or works of mercy. 

A work the Lord had done on the Sabbath, was no doubt a work that was not forbidden by law. They hence drew down on themselves, the rebuke of judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The  practical value of the lesson before us is great.  We shall do well to remember as we travel through life, to correct an estimate of people, and the things by the light which it supplies.

We are too often to ready to be deceived by an appearance of good.  We are in danger of rating some men as good Christians, because of a little outward presence of religion and a decent Sunday formality-because in short, they talk the language of Canaan, and wear the garb of pilgrims.  We forget that all is not good that appears as good, not gold that glitters, and that daily practice, choice, taste, habits. conduct, private character, are the true evidence of what a man is.  We get our Lord’s saying, judge not according to appearance..

May God’s blessing be upon you.   Be in Church on Sunday.

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