Saturday 29 June 2024


 TIMOTHY Chapters 3 and 4


In our study of the Letter of Paul to Timothy, we have come to Chapters 3 and 4. I have adjoined Chapter 3, as there is a limitation of  that which will be of interest to many people.  In fact, the words used are so elementary that they are easily understood. The passage is about Offices within the Church.


The early Church had elders, who were similar to our lay preachers, and there were overseers, who were very much the same as elders. Their title came from a Greek word meaning episcopy, and Paul in one of his Letters called them bishops, but not in image anything like our modern bishop. Eventually, pastors came on the scene.  Paul is setting out for Timothy, the qualifications for elders, which Timothy may appoint


The duties of elders were to keep maintenance of the Church, and exercise control

Of the congregation to ensure discipline and harmony.


A list of the qualities required for elders;

 Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.  Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,  not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.  He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a] respect.  (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?)  He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.  He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.

 In the same way, deacons[b] are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.  They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.  They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.  In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

 A deacon must be faithful to his wife, and must manage his children and his household well.  Those who have served well, gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

Chapter 4

The Christian Church inherited the Jewish belief that things would go worse before they went better.  The Jews always believed there were two ages.  There was the present one, which was in the possession of evil powers, but there was an age to come which would be in the power of God. There would be a struggle, which would shake the world to its foundations, and there would be a spiritual battle, and a new day would dawn, the day of the Lord.  Many false prophets would rise to deceive with false Messiahs.

The Church at Ephesus had false teachers entered, causing considerable concern.  A slave was taken to the Church, and was branded to mark his ownership, and was treated as property.

God is always looking for good men who will be His witnesses, His weapon, His people in the world. Just as equal, the evil were also looking for recruits. Men can serve God or the devil.

The heretics at Ephesus were propagating a  heresy with very definite

consequences of that heresy were, that men were teaching that everything of the body was evil. and they should abstain from eating food, for that filled the body with evil.

There was recurring heresy in the Church in every generation, and men were ordered to be stricter than God.  It was put down in black and white, that men should abstain from marriage for the sake of discipline.  It was ignored that marriage, food, wine, were all made by God, and all that God made was good.


This kind of things all came to a head when monks and hermits took over. They went into the desert, and eventually were cut off. The men thought they were offending God, for God is the Creator of the world.

All of God’s gifts are to be used in a certain way, and it has to be remembered as gifts from God. Things come to us so regularly and unfailingly, that we forget

 that the gifts are from God.  They have to be used in sharing, as all selfishness was to be forbidden. They have to be taken with gratitude, and with grace said before eating.

The  Jews always said grace. When they ate fruit, they said, ‘blessed art Thou King of the universe who created fruit  on the tree.’

When they drank wine, they said ‘ blessed art Thou King of the universe who created wine from the vine’.

The same words were used for vegetables and bread.  By saying these words, the words made the food sacred.

It is Christian teaching, that the Christian does not serve God by enslaving himself with rules and regulations; we serve God gratefully accepting God’s gifts, and we do so in a world where God made all things good, and we never forget to share God’s gifts toothers.

In verses 4-9, we have a passage with practical advice, not only for Timothy, but for every servant of the Church who is involved in leadership. To instruct others, we counsel and advise, to point out and suggest.  We are told to avoid anything based on doubt,  we have to tell truth, not become engaged with no base.  The advice to |Timothy was to silence criticism.

There has to be benevolence, there is no cause for bitter words, nor should we hate someone, there is a need to forgive.

There is loyalty, a fidelity to our creator no matter how much that may mean . The really good and valuable one is the man/woman, who can struggle on when the body is weak and weary.  Another must, is to have loyalty to Jesus in defiance of all circumstances.

Ther is purity, and allegiance to standards  of Jesus Christ. All Christians should have a standard of honour and honesty

In verses 14 -16, certain duties are given to Timothy the young designate of the Church.  there is a devotion to the Scriptures and to teaching.  This  instruction shows a picture of the pattern of the Church.  There is a gathering of Christians, there is the teaching of that given by the Apostles, there are prayers said. There should be  a teaching of the Scriptures, with an explanation from the Church leader. The whole service is to have the Bible at the center.

The Chapter ends, with the duty of a Church leader.  He should remember he is called apart for a special task of the Church. His commission, came from the Church, after extensive study qualifying him, and has a great privilege in being able to preach the Word of God.  Vows have been made to adhere to the Church’s regulations. which require fidelity to  the Scriptures, and a vow to banish all false doctrine.

Each denomination will have similar procedure, and in the Second Letter to Timothy, Paul will warn him that he leads the service with all other pastors, in the presence of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, and will be judged accordingly.

Paul stated there should be no casual approach.  The preaching should be widespread, and must be according to the Bible, as it is written, and no forgetting those parts the preacher does not like. Jesus is the only way to God.


May God’s Holy name be Praised  

Tuesday 25 June 2024


In the first Chapter   Paul stressed the danger of false teachers, and the danger of straying from control of public worship.  In this chapter, he wants to help people become Christians, and how to get to heaven.  He tells, that God wants all to be saved because Jesus came to die on the Cross, and was a ransom to pay the penalty for all sin committed.

 This does not mean however, that people can sit back and say well God has saved me, I can live as I wish; it does mean you follow and live, as Jesus commanded. This call comes right through the New Testament, God was reconciling the world to Himself.

Paul is concerned that people may be unaware they can be enlightened; they may be lost, but could be found by a loving God, who cares for all people.

There is a need to pause and remember that Jesus came into the world knowing He would have to die on that Cross, but did so to bring salvation for them.

The first 15 verses are about corporate prayer and intercessions and thanksgiving. Prayer was then made by people standing or sitting, with hands held out with palms pointing upwards, this symbolized people seeking forgiveness.

It is so easy to find God, but often, people do not look to thank God for answering.

Paul states we must pray for Kings, Queens and all in authority. I find this a hard task to ask, when I see even members of the royal family and Prime Ministers, following a course of life which leads people astray. I think also there should be a caveat, that evil men like Hitler, Stalin,  can order and carry out such brutality as they did. Clement of Rome added regarding prayer, ‘grant them O Lord health peace and stability that they may cause no offence in administering the gift you have given’.  Our justification may be based on the fact that God did use various leaders in order to fulfil a purpose.

There is only one God; there is no greater truth. We are regularly told there are other gods, but they may be those related to other faiths, but for Christians there is only One God. Other faiths may have their own gods, but it shows lack of knowledge when people say we all worship the one God, we certainly do not. In fairness, Islam would never accept worship of a God of Israel, with a Jewish Savior, and 12 Jewish Apostles. They do not believe any God had a Son. Hindus and Buddhists do not accept the Cross, and what it  means. People must accept there is a difference, and respect the right of people to worship as they believe without friction between faiths.

 There is one Mediator, Jesus Christ. He acts on our behalf, praying for us and acting as our contact with God. Only through Jesus can contact with God be made.

There is no need to have a priest to whom you must confess, and receive absolution; Jesus does this.

Paul spoke about preaching. This was God’s method of communicating with the world, and whilst not terribly popular for many people, it has for centuries been the best way of having the Gospel proclaimed.

Paul talks of himself as an herald, one who goes out and proclaims to the people that which his King has told him to do, and not to add his own opinion or comment. Paul is a witness, one who was present at an event, and can give a first-hand account of what took place. He is also an envoy, one who represents his King in another country, and finally he is a teacher, one who explains facts and explains meaning.

We come to a controversial verse which is not a popular one for preachers, anxious to avoid trouble. I have noticed commentators do not give much space to an explanation, but here I go.

A favorite answer, is it was written under the influence of a Jewish culture and referred  specifically to women in churches. I am not sure it is as simple as that, for Paul knew his Letters would be seen long after he was with his Lord in heaven. He states  ‘I do not permit women to teach or exercise authority over a man’.   Here he is speaking as an Apostle, not as just giving an opinion. Paul was a co-worker with God, and when Paul speaks, he speaks for God.

Paul goes on, to refer to the order of creation to support his statement, Eve being the first to sin. followed by Adam, so leaving men to lead.

There are some cults within the Church, who go to excess, such as a Brethren meeting I attended as a guest years ago, and I noticed a lady was present who never spoke a word, when I knew she was a very intelligent woman.  When I asked why this was, I was told a woman must not speak when a man is present. Such is pure discourtesy and discrimination.

Four explanations have been offered to suggest what Paul might have meant. One the time of the culture; only women who were wives were meant; could not challenge a man’s decision; and a woman could hold office if under leadership of a man.

Humanity of people means this question will never be resolved this side of heaven, for neither opinion will be able to give way. Each preacher will have to face up and decide what course to take.

I have like all Minsters of the Church, vowed to follow the words of Scripture. In such case, that means preaching what the Bible states, which is God’s accepted teaching.  If there are any objections, they will be objecting to God.

The Roman Catholic Church has maintained the words of Scripture, something the Church of England has not done in several ways.

When the big campaign to ordinate women took place in the 1980s all women wanted it was said ,was to become priests, they were not seeking to be bishops.  Some people actually believed that. Of course within weeks, that was on its way out, and some fierce competition began and we have had women instituted as bishops.  From remarks some have made on appointment (oh dear).

If we turn to the most appropriate source for guidance, our Lord himself, it will be seen he never appointed a woman Apostle, yet he was not one to be influenced by culture of the day.  As a man and Rabbi, he did the unthinkable, in helping a woman by a well.  He cleansed another woman who was devoted to him. Yet although he could have done, he never took the opportunity of making a woman Apostle.

We should not overlook other factors regarding women, especially the indirect support given. The maintenance of the Church, flower arrangements.  Ministers wives often make an impact. My wife was very popular with each congregation we served, and was invaluable to the people who wanted me to know something, which they didn’t want to tell me themselves. She was also an ear for those.

Let me quote a more relevant example. Some few years ago, I met a lady who originally came from Africa to live in this country.  In over all the  years in the Church ministry, I never met any man or woman with such a capacity for praying. In addition, she has been most supportive and inspirational for me personally. Is she less worthy of holding Church Office than a man, who is living in a way which Scripture condemns, or even a bishop who wants the Bible teaching on marriage to be abandoned, or an Archbishop who told a clergyman that if he wished to teach sexuality in accordance with the Bible, there was no place for him in the Church.  I think not

Some women will not agree, but they have been the ones to bring children into the world, and there is no occupation greater than a mother. She not only brings a child into the world, but guides and loves through all adversities as well as successes.  My  sons' first words when coming home were always, where is Mum; just as it is with many families. God gave women a more gentle and caring nature, which with exceptions, have been worldwide. Women should not feel second to men. they are equal but different. This is why God made marriage to be between a man and a woman.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Women are asked to dress with modestly, but that does not mean as if in mourning or dowdy style. I have seen women being criticized for their dress, usually by other women, for wearing bright dresses in church. 

What Paul is trying to convey, is that women should not dress ostentatiously or seductively, as some ladies know they are physically attractive and are often anxious to reveal the gifts they have been blessed with, in order to draw attention to themselves. Jewelry is acceptable, but not to excess.

All that has been written has to be considered as we see the Church falling apart in the Western Hemisphere.

Gone are the days when the opinion of the Church was valued and listened to. Bishops were granted seats in the House of Lords to represent the Church and be guardians of a moral culture, yet we find legislation being made which even a slight moral conviction would oppose, but allowed to pass without opposition.

The Minister of a Church was a respected person who would be acknowledged in his parish. All this has been diminished as the Church ministry has wandered away from biblical teaching. In Acts 2, we learn how the Apostle Peter preached the teaching of the Apostles and three thousand people responded.  The Church grew rapidly, and they were blessed by God.

We now live in a different culture, where many of the absolutes have been generally ignored, and the Church has gone along with this to such an extent we are more concerned with pleasing culture rather than pleasing God.

Cathedrals are to remove any statue which may offend.  This is in response to Black lives matter representation (How did we get this man, does he not know BLM is a left wing political force.)  There is no comparison to those wonderful Christians in the black Pentecostal Churches.

Where the Church does fail mightily is in its response to losing a member.  So often the lost person is not contacted and a reason sought to be rectified.  Ministers spend far

too much time wasting in committees and meetings.

.In the Eastern Hemisphere the Church is doing better, where people in  Africa are more committed to God than wealthier countries, despite not having the facilities we have. I do not say that  lightly, but from personal experience.

When Paul wrote this Letter, he could never have imagined it would be so relevant two thousand years later. May it be an inspiration to all people.

Saturday 22 June 2024

he Cost of discipleship.      Luke 14v 25-43.


When Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, he knew he was on the way to the Cross; the crowds with him thought he was on his way to build an empire. This made him tell the people in the most vivid possible way that any man who followed him would not be on the way to power and glory, but would be ready to give a loyalty which would sacrifice things of the dearest kind, and for a suffering which would be like the agony of a man on the cross.   We should not take the words of Jesus coldly. 

Eastern language can be as vivid as the person speaking .You can be a follower of Jesus without becoming a disciple. You have to take the words of Jesus in a cold unimaginative way. When he tells us we must hate our nearest and dearest, he does not mean that literally, he means that no love in life should be greater than the love we have for him.

But it is possible to be a follower of Jesus without being a disciple; to be someone

Who lingers on at his place of work without pulling his weight. A man was telling his tutor friend about another man he knew, who said he had been  one of his students. The tutor said he remembered the man who attended his lectures, but was not a student.

There is a world of difference between being present as a hanger-on and a worker. The supreme handicap of the Church is that so many people use the Church for their own purpose and are not even distant followers of Jesus, yet call themselves as Christians. If all the people who attend Church for baptisms fulfilled the promises they made, we would be building more Churches.

It is a Christian’s first duty to count the cost of following Christ.  If you went looking for some item for your home you know a price has to be paid, and when you see what you are looking for your first thought is, how much will it cost? If it is within  the price you imagined, you would be right in accepting, but if you thought it to be too costly, you would not bother further.

The passage gives an example of a man who plans to build a tower, probably for a vineyard, which were fitted with towers for watchmen to keep look out for thieves

There is a need for him to count the cost, for if he did not have enough cash to finish he would be mocked and be humiliated.

Likewise, a leader of an Army would be unwise to attack another Army, without first comparing his force against his opponent until finding out and comparing the situation.

When a marriage is being held, the Minister states what marriage is. and the states, ‘it is not therefore to be entered lightly or unadvisedly, but fully and, thoughtfully in the fear of God. First, a man And a woman must count the cost

It is so with Christian way.  But if a person is daunted by the demands of Christ, remember they are not left to fulfil them alone. He who helped them to  the steep road will walk ever yard of the way and will be at the Church to meet them.

There are things we can learn from this passage, that true Christians must be prepared to give up, perhaps some activity or friends who are too worldly, for the sake of Christ.  Jesus speaks in very remarkable language, which should  be interpreted with some qualifications. The Bible does not come out, with parts  contradicting other parts, and by doing so contradict some of our Lord’s teaching.

He did not intend us to hate our closest relatives, for that could be against the fifth commandment, he only meant that those who follow him must love him as deeply He did not intend to portray Christianity as an essential part in a human quarrel, he did mean if the opinions of relatives and his teaching differ, we must choose to follow him, bearing in mind he died on the Cross for our forgiveness of our sins.

This has been torment for some women. I have had women ask me not to make visible contact with them, because their husbands did not know they attended Church.  One wife was told by her husband she had to choose. The Church, or he would go with the children,  Ungodly fathers forbidding their children attend Church.

When we make a decision to follow Jesus and accept him as Savior, we are committing ourselves to obey his teaching, which includes a moral, ethical way as well as a spiritual one. This means abandoning certain lifestyles, and a lot of people are not prepared to do that; they want to carry on as they have been doing.

It is a Christian's first duty to count the cost of following Jesus, and should not be taken lightly, but show reverence for God. Many people who attended the great evangelical Crusades of Billy Graham, inspired by the singing of massed choirs, tuneful hymns, and preaching by the greatest preacher in Christian history. When they returned to parish Churches there was such a contrast, their faith had not been strong enough to, instead of giving up on hearing dreary chants and poor preaching, often of a false nature, they should have stood firm and tried to influence services.

If you desire to follow Jesus, be sure you know what it means, with discipleship of hostility and sacrifice. We can never know or anticipate our future, so should in the hope of future salvation, make sure we be on the Lord’s side.

Life can be hard and short for some, and when someone we love dies, believe me, the consequence for the bereaved is desolate and lonesome, as we know we will never see that dear one again in this world. Friends we once had make a sudden exit, but Jesus is saying he will in either in this life or the next, he will be with us.

There are times when family members fall out, especially  when one member pursues a commitment to follow Christ. In such cases the Christian must stand firm in faithfulness and belief. There should not be any long term enmity, perhaps with gentle persuasion, a compromise may be obtained, Christianity has not been spread by aggression, as Paul pointed out to Timothy

I know through experience, that parents can be rather severe in their attitudes to children, who wish to attend Church. The only way to overcome is to pray for help from God insisting to parents that you don't want to do anything to offend, and that there are far more many other things that are harmful.

I have witnessed total and uncompromising resistance towards wives by aggravated husbands, which causes distress to their wives, and to those who witness such determined bullying. Instead of remembering wedding vows, and being understanding and tolerant to those they are supposed to show love and care for , they display contempt .

I have seen women who attended Church just for a worshipping service, without any further involvement, be threatened. One such man gave an ultimatum to a lovley lady, who was generally liked, that it was either the Church or him, and he would leave with the children. Imagine the horror and terror of that woman. I imagine some wives may object to husbands attending, although I have not personally known of any. In either case, things get painful, and true love can never be present in such instances. Those of us who do not have that problem, should thank God for his blessing upon us ,and to those also who have to suffer marital disturbance.

I often wonder what Jesus would say to his Church today. Could you foresee Jesus being happy when Ministers of the Church give false teaching, especially on immorality; teaching that tells people to follow their desires, for God will forgive ; when congregations are told by Church leaders not to attend meetings, because the evangelical preacher is a hate speaker, who says marriage is only between a man and woman. How wonderful if all preachers and speakers spoke with one voice, and kept to God's teaching in the Bible. When there would be no controversies over social or ethical matters as well as spiritual issues; where preachers would not re-interpret the Bible in passages which offended the weak minded. Christianity demands faithfulness, belief based on sound doctrine, convictions which strengthen others

Let us learn from this passage, that there are many people who claim to follow Jesus, but they are not real followers. There is a massive difference between those who attend services, and being a real
Christian. It has been a supreme handicap that in the Church there are so many distant followers.


May God inspire us to be true Christians and may His Holy Name be  praised

Monday 17 June 2024


The Letters of Paul to Timothy and Titus, known as the Pastoral Letters, give the finest guidance and sound doctrine, sketching out what the priorities of the Christian Church need to be, and showing how we should respond. We are living in times, similar to that in which the Church in Paul’s time faced.

I hope you will be able and willing, to stay and follow with me, as we go through these three wonderful pieces of Christian teaching, which help us to enjoy our faith, and all it believes and stands for. I will try and keep them in the mid-week sermon.

The passage to begin with, is in the 1st Letter to Timothy. Firstly, let us study what Paul is saying in this passage, and then consider how it relates to us in our time.

Paul opens the Letter stating his status as an Apostle, which was especially given by God,and the Lord Jesus. Paul valued his gift and unique appointment, which was to minister to the Gentiles and to unite them in worship with the Jews.

Paul had just come back from Macedonia, having been preaching at Phillipi where he had been beaten badly, and is writing Letters, two to Timothy, and one to Titus, two young pastors, to give them instructions, and to give advice and encouragement in their ministry, for there were the same problems there as we face now. He had particular care for Timothy and also affection. It was Timothy who Paul wanted to take over his ministry, as Paul knew he was facing death, and believed Timothy was the only one who would be faithful.

The Jews were not mixing harmoniously with the Gentiles, wanting the Jewish law to be part of services. Paul thought Jewish law was good, but law was made for the lawless, not those who acted properly. In addition, false teachers had wormed their way into the Church to save sinners, , and they were preaching myths, immoral subjects, and genealogies, to keep association with the Old Testament prophets.

Paul expressed his gratitude to Jesus, who enabled him to perform his ministry and gave His trust to Paul. He continues telling all people to accept Jesus, who came to save sinners, such as him.

This closes the first Chapter, with giving help to Timothy, knowing he had been well taught the Scriptures by his mother and grandmother. He wants Timothy to keep a good conscience and to cling to the faith.

The three Pastoral Letters were written to help the Church live our lives worthy of God and in the conduct of worship. We get an image of the early Church. God is speaking to us through Paul, who lays out sound doctrine and calls for the spread of.

Paul had been arrested and was in a Roman prison when he wrote part of the Letters, which are not just a friendly chat, rather they are documents of guidance, advice and encouragement to two young pastors, and are of vital relevance for the Church now.

P aul was preparing for his Letters to be sent to many people, and he rejoiced in the grace of God for having this appointment. He saw himself as an ambassador for his King, and faithfully carried out that role.

He calls Timothy a genuine child, which meant Timothy was dear to him. Paul knew his mother and grandmother who had guided Timothy in the Scriptures, and marked him out as an assistant who would travel widely with Paul on his missions, and ultimately the one most able to take over Paul’s ministry when his work was done.

Paul knew Timothy was of mild disposition and would have to face strong opposition from people outside the Church, but also from within the Church. He knew Timothy was of mixed race as his mother was a Jew and father a Greek, and as such he would face resistance from the Jewish members, so he circumcised Timothy to make him acceptable.

The emphasis in this Letter is to guard and defend the gospel, and how to contain men who had infiltrated the Church and were giving false teaching. The teaching of the Apostles was being ignored. for the false teachers had no understanding of the gospel, and were indulging in vain discussions.

At this time Timothy was representing Paul in the Church at Ephesus, and had to stay there to disgrace false teachers, who were not qualified and were likely to lead people astray, by telling them they could act as they wished and God would forgive. They also wanted to teach Old Testament laws and heresy, so putting the Church at risk.

The Mosaic law was meant for the lawless, and Paul listed actions, which were in fact a summary of the Ten Commandments. Immorality, ungodliness, harming parents, unnatural sex, liars, and all which is contrary to sound doctrine.

There was also too much time being wasted on genealogies, looking back through the ages instead of turning to the gospel. A tendency developed to adopt the latest fashion or novelty idea, which led to arguments in the Church. Arrogance replaced humility, causing disputes as to what should be accepted.

True Christianity offers love. which rejects power and policies, giving a pure heart, which motivates humility, leading to acceptance of God, and a fondness for truth, Christianity calls for a good conscience to enable faith, and a desire to live practising that faith.

Paul referred to myths which were fanciful and untrue beliefs, but the whole aim of teaching was that from the Apostles who were taught by Jesus.

Paul acknowledged the gift of Jesus to him, despite he had been such a persecutor of Christians, and such an unbeliever. He says this was due to ignorance which God was ready to forgive, and show his forgiveness was an example of his mercy and grace.

Any person familiar with Church life, will read this Letter of Paul and think they could aptly rename it as Paul’s Letter to the Church in the Western nations. As I think of the Church in the United Kingdom, I recognise the comments Paul makes are still relevant.

Paul was devoted to sound doctrine, as all Ministers of the Church should be, we vow to do so at our ordination made in the house of God. How quickly and totally, do many abandon their vow and appear in our Churches preaching some nonsense in complete rejection of Scripture. Such people often rise to high Office within the Church, where they are calling for the teaching of the Bible to be laid aside, as it may offend modern thought. Then with straight face, wonder why the Churches are emptying; can anyone seriously expect God to bless heresy?

The Church has many false teachers still, who wander widely away from the teaching of the Apostles, which is in fact the New Testament. We have a woman who claims to be evangelical, with a serving Bishop, hosting national meetings, campaigning for same sex marriage, preaching totally against the Bible, and campaigning for people to join them. If they had any conscience, they would take the proper course and resign from the Church, and would be entitled to do what they wished, but that would need courage and cause them to lose some interest.

We still have fanciful ideas based on novelty. It was once seriously proposed to have Sunday morning services held in a supermarket, whilst normal trading was in progress. Imagine trying to buy some groceries when the Minister, came to offer the bread and wine. May be a sketch for some irreverent play, but for serious action?

I went to a Church where I was, seriously expected to take what is called a ‘café service’. Tables were placed around the Church with coffee served during the course of the service. The service was of course changed.

In another incident people were being invited to get married in Church, and bring your children to be baptized at the same time. How contemporary the Church can be ; if shops can offer two for one so can we sort of thing. You may think this is some 1st April story, but I assure you it is not. It is however an example how we are failing the biblical call to worship God with reverence and awe.

Being honest, if you were asked to explain what the Church stands for, would you know what to say? You could well answer what it was supposed to say. But what for example, is the view on the most important and stable bedrock of society, marriage.? The Archbishop isn’t sure, and many of his fellow leaders are confused. and think the biblical teaching is out of date.

We are told bishops have a right to sit in the house of Lords to give moral guidance, an excellent idea, but why don’t they? Why does it need a group of mothers to protest when their children are being taught explicit sex at very tender ages in our schools, even within Church schools. Such is a parents’ responsibility.

We are not here to give opinions. If the Bible states something is wrong, then we must say it is wrong. If people don’t agree, then this is what free speech is for, but we do Bible speak.

Let us all pray for the Church and call for a return to its true purpose of fulfilling our Lord’s command to take the gospel and make disciples. Let us fervently pray that our Church Officers at all levels fulfil their vows and preach only what Scripture commands.

May God bless all who try faithfully to serve Him and honour His Word, which he gave us in the Bible. May His Holy Name be glorified

Thursday 13 June 2024


Mark 4 v 26-34

I would like you to turn with me to the 4th Chapter of Mark’s gospel beginning at verse 26.  Here we have one of two parables from today’s gospel reading. 

Whenever Jesus was giving a sermon He used a parable with a topical illustration and taught simply. He would use nature subjects such as birds, trees, flowers.  This first parable is all about growth. 

A farmer will sow seed, and then go away and leave it to grow on its own, the secret of growth lying within the seed, which will develop under its own power.  The farmer will return to collect the harvest, when he will separate the good produce from the weeds. 

 Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like this.  The term ‘Kingdom of God’, is where God’s will is perfectly done.  Each parable does of course have a spiritual meaning.  Just as the farmer cannot make the seed grow, we cannot make the Kingdom of God grow on our own.  God has given us His Word, the Bible, and as we study and meditate on it we will then be able to play our part in making it grow.

We need to follow the farmer analogy as we consider Church growth.  We should first let the Word of God be preached, and then allow time for it to root and grow. There is no point in trying to rush things.   

The Bible, contains the very presence of Christ Himself There is something inside the Bible that when it is planted into a person’s heart, the interest in Christ begins to grow.   The Bible has a mysterious power.  That is why it is so essential that preachers should faithfully prepare and preach that Word. 

I have been able to listen to some wonderful preachers from the United States, and it is uplifting to come from hearing them.  Sadly, I too often listen to preachers who waffle on about all manner of things, and seem to be preachers for their own glorification. 

Just as nature’s growth is so powerful, so is Gods’ Word to change lives.  This is why coming to Church is so important.   Most people have not recognised the treasure, which is the Christian gospel. The vast majority of people have not got their priorities right.

People have great excuses not to come to church. They tell me that you do not have to go to church to be a Christian, but they are not at home on a Sunday morning doing bible study by themselves. They are not involved in serving God. They have chosen that other things are more important. Usually they have made a choice that other things, not spiritual things, are more important to them.
They make a choice for themselves, sadly they also make a choice for their families too. The choice has an effect which rebounds down the generations.

 When people stop attending church and or taking  children to church, they have effectively stopped their grandchildren and great grandchildren going to church as well. So that today we have several decades of people who have not had any contact with Christian teaching whatsoever, and that means no spiritual grounding in their lives at all. And that is where we are as a country, with people largely adrift in terms of a spiritual anchor to inform their ethical, moral and life decisions.

 A university chaplain was speaking, and saying that the students he deals with have absolutely no Christian background whatsoever. They know nothing of the Bible or the Christian stories.

Each church has to play their part to encourage and welcome to church those who feel that it is not for them. Some of them might have a good reason to think we don’t want them. They might have had an unfortunate contact with a vicar or a churchgoer, who put them off and they thought, well if that is what being a Christians is like, I don’t want to know.

In the United States, I know members of a Church sometimes go out with a Pastor to preach the gospel.  If you did that in the United Kingdom someone would be getting arrested. We don’t do God, for activists would complain

The second parable in verses in 30/34 where Jesus said the Kingdom of God was like a mustard seed.  His listeners would recognise this as a saying, ‘small as a mustard seed.’  That seed was so small that if it blew out of your hand you would not be able to find it. But it grew, Jesus said, to be a tree which housed the birds. 

A tree was used in Biblical terms to mean an empire, and birds to be nations, which were part of that empire.  So Jesus was saying that there was no limit to which the Kingdom could grow reaching many nations. 

From that small band of Apostles working from part of a land no bigger than Wales, grew a religion which now embraces the world, with two billion followers.  We must never feel our efforts are too small to start working for the Lord.  Never be put off by small beginnings.  We start off small, but when the effort is repeated, the effect can be big.    

     This parable is speaking to us directly about the Church which began so small.  As Christianity spread across the world, without any radio, television, newspapers, or any of the aids we have, so it can do so again.

I have often said I am so fond of the American Church.  They use every advertising method available.  We are just going to have an election and candidates have been delivering literature telling us all about their Party and all the wonderful things they can offer us. President Obama won a landslide election by regular communication by emails to great effect.  Churches could use such a method.

     I don’t think personal visits from Minsters or their representatives is effective these days, but certainly letting people know of the Church by letters, or when possible by e-mail, would be beneficial and indeed produce results.

   I have just written an article for another village magazine in which I stress the need for people to return to Church and be part of restoring Christian values which this country so badly needs.  Sometimes we need to be like the farmer plant a seed of faith into someone’s mind casually and let it develop. 

A Vicar told me how he was invited to preach at a village Church some distance from his own Church.  He said he felt demoralised after doing so, it all seemed so lifeless.  Some years later he passed through the same village and stopped at the village shop.  The keeper told him how the word he preached that night made him turn back to Church and become a devoted servant, who in turn brought others to know the Lord..

I still get letters from people up North who were in the Churches I served and it  makes everything so worthwhile and so satisfying in a humble way.

You may say you haven’t the talent. But that is just the point you don’t have to have much ability, you just allow God to use you.  He has given us much more than we could ever imagine  If God is all that we claim Him to be how can we limit His power.

     A teacher once wrote of a pupil in his class and said, this boy is no scholar and has failed twice in his grade.  He has a stubborn streak and is rebellious. He seems at times perverse in his ability to learn. He has not made the most of his opportunities and never will.  That man wrote great works of history and became our greatest Prime Minister of all time (Winston Churchill)

     Don’t be like the chairman of a PCC who opened the meeting with the prayer,’’ ‘almighty and omnipotent God, etc’, and then addressed the members with the words, the situation here is utterly hopeless.

      What you can do as a church might seem small. It may seem insignificant but of course the message of the parables which we have heard this morning is that it might seem small, you might not even notice the effect, but this is how the kingdom is grown.

     A village would seem normally to be an ideal setting to start a Church return, but realistically these days it is not practical in most cases.  A permanent Minister is vital so that there is consistent style of teaching, which so rarely happens.  In addition, the Minister needs to be someone ready and willing to evangelise.

     Mark is telling us God is at much work today as He ever was sowing by His Word into our hearts and lives and we must be ready to serve Him when the opportunity arises.


May God bless these words and may His Holy Name be glorified

Monday 10 June 2024



MATTHEW 6  v 5-19 

Every time we go a Church service we always say the Lord’s Prayer. We also pray this prayer in other places at other times. Like all things we do repeatedly, there is the likelihood we will do so automatically and somehow casually, we do without attaching much thought. So it can be that way when praying, we mean well, but the mind is not functioning on what we are doing.

 The Bible tells, that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, and He taught them, what has become known to all peoples across the world as the Lord’s Prayer.

 Before we begin to study this prayer, there  are facts which will do well to remember.  This prayer is in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, and it was given by Jesus to the disciples, and only a disciple was meant to pray it. It was intended, that only those who were pledged and committed to Jesus, and  can take on the lips with any meaning. It was not regarded for a child to pray, and was not meant to be a family prayer, unless it is a Church family. The Lord’s prayer was specifically and definitely stated to be only for a disciple.

 To express the meaning, the prayer was for the man or woman who prays it know what they are saying, and they cannot know without commitment.

 There is an order in the prayer. The first three  petitions have to do with God and with the glory of God; the second three petitions have to do with our needs, and accessories. This shows God is given His supreme place, and then and only then, we turn to ourselves  and our needs and desires.  It is only when God is given His proper place,  that all things fit into place. The prayer should not try to bend the will of God to our desires; prayer is always an attempt to submit our will to the will of God.

The  second part of the prayer, the part which deals with our needs is a greatly wrought unity. It deals with the three essential needs of people. And three times within which we move.  First, it asks for bread, thereby asking for that which is necessary for the maintenance of life, and therefore bringing the needs of the present to the throne of God. Second, it asks for forgiveness. Thereby bringing the past into the presence of God, and for God’s forgiving grace.  Third, it asks for help in temptation, there by committing the future into the hands of God.  In these three brief petitions, we are taught to lay the present, the past and the future before the footstool of the grace of God.

But not only is this carefully wrought out prayer, one which lays the whole of life in the presence of God; it is also a prayer which brings God into our lives.  When we ask for bread to sustain our earthly lives; that request immediately directs thoughts to God the Creator and Sustainer of all life.  When we ask for forgiveness, the request directs our thoughts to God the Son, Jesus Christ our Savor and Redeemer. When we ask for help against temptation, that request directs our thought to God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the guide and Guardian of our life.

 In the most amazing way, this brief second part of the Lord’s prayer takes the present, the past and the future. The whole our life and presents them to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. To God in all His fullness.  In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus teaches us to bring the whole of life into whole of God..

 Jesus is with His Apostles, and was telling them when they pray, they should not pray like the hypocrites, who pray in Synagogues and on street corners just to be seen and admired by people watching. Jesus tells them to pray in their private places, and alone. They should pray to God the Father who sees and rewards. You do not need long  prayers with fancy words and phrases. God knows what you want.(Some people do have prayer partners, which helps them, and I cannot see any wrong doing so)

 It is regularly seen in Church services, when people have been chosen to give the intercessions, and sometimes pray for an unending  number of people and places, rather than specific people or problems.

 Jesus told them how to pray.

 Our Father who art in heaven

God is our Father, the creator and sustainer of the Universe, who rules from heaven. God is the fact of Christianity, and He is the only true God to whom

we pray and honor.  God’s will be done perfectly experienced in heaven, and will be done so on earth  The will of God will only be expressed in the fulness form when Christ returns in power and glory.

 Hallowed be thy name.

That God may be treated by the highest honor and set apart as Holy,

 Your kingdom come

We pray for the advance of God’s Kingdom on earth.  The presence of the Kingdom in this age, refers to the reign of Christ in the hearts and minds of believers, and the reining presence of Christ in His body-the Church

 Your will be done

This is God’s revealed will, that conduct is pleased to Him as revealed in Scripture.

Just as God’s will is done in heaven

 Give us today our daily bread

This the necessity of our daily needs, which includes physical needs

 Forgive us our debts.

We have been used to saying forgive our sins. In the United States they have been using the words debts, which is the wording of the English Standard Bible (ESV) This prayer does not require believers to ask for justification daily, since believers have been justified by saving faith,

 As we forgive our debtors

 This is a prayer for the personal relationship with God to be restored, when the fellowship was hindered by sin. Those who have had forgiveness were so moved with gratitude to God, that they eagerly forgive debtors.

 Lead us not into temptation.

This can mean temptation or testing.  Put simply, it is asking God to allow us to be prepared from difficult situations that would tempt us to sin. God will never lead a person to temptation, but sometimes tests us.

 But deliver us from evil

The best protection from sin and evil is to turn to God and follow His direction

 For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.

These are clearly understandable words, which were thought to be additional to the original text, and some people omit from public prayer.


May the words of this prayer inspire to your hearts, and may God be glorified


 These verses are of great importance. They contain the way that Jesus taught His Apostles.  Millions of people who have never read,  or had it explained to them. Who have never seen a Bible, yet somehow know these words.

 There is amazing Commitment in many almost isolated villages in Africa, which is very encouraging.  Where Pastors have had no training, Yet whose devotion to follow Jesus has inspired them to carry on doing their best to understand and teach the younger people. Some have the added burden of being in Countries where being Christians is not popular.

 Bibles are a rare item, and even when available are costly. I hope and pray that some publisher may read these words and kindly provide their needs.

Saturday 8 June 2024



I want you to turn with me to Paul’s 1st Letter to the Thessalonian Church,  


In this 4th Chapter, Paul answers a question most people have asked at some time of their life, more so as they get older.  What happens to me when I die?  Here, Paul is responding to that problem which is disturbing this young Church. 

Paul had established this Church, and most of the members had come from worshipping idols, but had become committed and devoted Christians.  Paul had only three weeks with them before he was driven out of the city by opposing Jews, so had not had time to fully explain as much as he would have liked.  They had been told about the death of Jesus and His resurrection, and how He would one day return and claim all His believers, but they were afraid that some of their members would die before Jesus returned and so miss being with Him in heaven. 

In this passage before us, Paul deals with this important doctrine of the Church, one which is mentioned 300 times in the New Testament.  Whilst it is a vitally important message which non believers should hear, it is also very desirable that Christians should hear and be reminded of, and reassured what the gospel states concerning our eternal future.

Paul begins by saying he does not wish us to be unaware of what happens to those who have fallen asleep.  Here he is referring to Christians as asleep to make the point that they will awake from the grave when Christ returns.  Paul states whilst we may grieve when we lose someone dear, which is in fact what Jesus did when His friend Lazarus died, we are not like unbelievers who have no future hope. 

When the Bible speaks of ‘hope’, it is not the vague meaning we might have when we say I hope you have a good day; it is something more positive. Christians do have the belief and expectation that whilst there is parting, there will be reunion with those we have lost for a while.

We have been considering our future so far as believers; 

what can we say to unbelievers.

I have been using the word ‘Christians’ in the biblical sense.  Most people would like to call themselves Christians if they are not atheists or members of another faith; that is not how the Bible sees it.  A Christian in the truest sense is someone who believes Jesus died on the Cross, and rose again. His death was the price He paid that our sins may be forgiven so that our relationship with God can be restored.  His risen state is to assure us that we too will rise with Him, provided we accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and commit ourselves to live as God has shown us how, that is to be in the words of the Bible.

So if unbelievers have no hope, what is the consequence?  People scoff at talk of the return of Christ and of a Day of Judgement. Such talk becomes the butt of their jokes and is dismissed out of hand. Later in our passage Paul states they will suffer wrath because they will have rejected the only means of escape for any of us, and that is Jesus. This is a sombre warning for us all and should make us concerned for those members of our families who have rejected Christ. It should make us want to do all we can to persuade them to turn with us to a Saving Lord.

The Bible is very clear that there will be a Day of Judgement, a day of accountability, a day when all the books will be opened, a day when all the wrongs will be righted, a day when justice will be done.

Jesus always made two distinctions.  He spoke of tares and wheat; of sheep and goats in today’s gospel reading; of two roads, one leading to eternal life and the other to destruction.  He spoke of heaven and hell in equal measure.  

For many people today hell is a forbidden word in the religious sense.  I was at a clergy meeting and at the Church there was a mural which had faded and when I asked why it had not been restored I was told by a fellow Minister that it depicted sinners being consigned to hell and he added, but we don’t preach about hell now do we.  I answered that I did and he looked at me with complete horror.  But Jesus did too; you can read His words in this book. 

Jesus used different terms in which to describe hell, but simply it means just being separated eternally from God.  It is strange that whilst people dispute any notion of hell as ridiculous they use the word constantly for all kinds of things and in all situations.

One of the great questions that people have to the Christian faith is, how can a loving God send people to hell.  It is not that God does or wants to send anyone to hell; it is rather people choose that course by ignoring God and all He stands for.   It may be something you have felt, you can’t understand how the Bible can teach that there is such a place.

The Bible teaches quite clearly that there will be a final Day of Judgement, a final day when we will be held accountable, and Jesus left us with a clear message of the alternatives.

In verse 15, Paul mentions having had a word from the Lord, something which the Lord revealed to him personally, so we may be assured that what Paul is telling us can be relied upon. Those who die are in conscious fellowship with Christ in the first stage, and will rise with Christ with new bodies when He returns.

I have never been to Hong Kong, but my friend can tell me about it, because he has lived there. There is only one person who has died, experienced life after death, and is able to tell us about it, and that is Jesus. What he says we can rely on. He speaks the truth. Paul is one of the chosen spokesmen for the risen and ascended Christ.

After a funeral service people offer words of comfort to the bereaved; Paul is saying here we should do so, but as Christians, not in the same way, we can comfort one another with the assurance of a further meeting with the deceased. Of course, we will grieve when those we love die and were separated from them, for now. But the nature of our grieving can and should be rather different from the hopeless grief of unbelieving people.   

Having set out the future, Paul then answers the question of when this will happen, by 0pointing out that God in His wisdom does not reveal this. Therefore, there will be no time for preparation .He says it will be like a thief who comes in the night unannounced, or like a woman delivering a baby; both events come on suddenly and can be painful.

When Jesus returns it will be just the same, His coming will be sudden an who gets burgled, and has no insurance; he was intending to get cover butd painful for those not having believed in Him. It will be like the householder just didn’t get around to doing so. Families will be divided, with one taken and one left, some destined to be with Him others not.  Paul is not trying to frighten or threaten, he is actually reassuring believers who may be feeling insecure.

Paul talks about light and darkness, with believers being children of light; we don’t live recklessly as unbelievers do, but we stay sober and awake.  He uses the metaphor of being drunk and fallen asleep, referring to unbelievers living in a dark world.

Drawing upon the Old Testament, where the Lord is portrayed as a warrior wearing armour, so the Christian puts on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation.

I realise this passage is one which can be a message which disturbs, and even distresses, but the doctrine of judgement is one of the basic and fundamental doctrines of the Church, and is put in the Bible to help and save us; it helps to explain some of the seeming unfairness in the world.  

If there was no doctrine of judgement, it would mean that we live in an unfair world, one in which the evil and guilty would have prospered, where there would be no distinction between goodness by the countless millions who served the Lord faithfully, often in much hardship, and the barbarism of men like Hitler and others like him.  Heaven and hell are clear demonstrations that God is a just God.

The passage ends with words of encouragement.  The Christian Church is a community of mutual comfort, and Paul is urging them to give one another help in their anxieties, with the fundamental truths of the gospel, that the Jesus who is coming again is the very same person who died and rose again. 

The supreme result of the death and resurrection of Jesus is to bring us into a personal union with Him, one which neither death, nor bereavement, nor judgement can ever destroy. 

So let us be comforted by these words; and let us try to bring to know Christ, those nearest and dearest to us who have yet to find Him.  We must let it be known no one is beyond redemption, and God will receive all who turn to Him who accept that Jesus died for them and their forgiveness.

May God bless His Words to us and may His Name be ever Glorified