16 v19/31
May the Lord bless His Word to us this morning, and may His
Holy Name be praised.
The gospel reading for today is 16th Chapter of Luke. This
story is known as the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. There are three
points to note from the passage, namely that this life is not all there is;
there are two destinies when we leave this earth, heaven or hell; and thirdly that
we make a decision in this life which will determine which one is for us.
This will not be popular for many preachers in all denominations, for there are
an increasing number of clergy who do not accept the doctrine of heaven or
hell. Such should not apply to Methodist preachers, for it was well proclaimed
by John and Charles Wesley, apart from the facts that it is taught throughout
the Bible and Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone, for whenever He spoke of
heaven He spoke of the alterative.
I once attended a clergy meeting at a Church where there was a famous mural,
and whilst I was looking at it a young Vicar asked me what I thought of the
painting. I said I couldn’t understand it. He told me it was supposed to be the
devil chasing men to hell, and he added, ‘but we don’t preach that these days
do we?’ When I said ‘well I do’, he gave me one of those looks you give someone
when you are not sure if they are completely with things.
In our story there are two men, one rich having all the trappings of luxury in
his life, and the other a poor beggar covered with sores who has nothing, and
even dogs licked his sores. He longed to sit by the rich man’s table so that he
could gather up the crumbs which would fall from the table for his food. In
those days they did not use knives and forks, instead they just picked at the
food with their fingers and some would fall to the floor. The rich man had no
pity on Lazarus, and as he used to beg at the city gate the rich man
would have seen him, but did nothing to help.
They both died and the rich man went to hell where he was in torment, whilst
Lazarus went to Paradise in heaven. He called on Abraham to have pity on him
and send Lazarus with some comfort because he was in such agony. But Abraham
said, "Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things,
and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you
are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been
fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and
none may cross from here to us. Abraham because of his faithfulness to God was
honoured and is recognised as the father of believers.. We are all sons or
daughters of Abraham in that respect, and therefore go where Abraham is.
This tells us that Jesus was our Lord intending to draw a deliberate and vivid
contrast between the rich man and the poor, and that man must love God and use
money, instead of using God and loving money., The Pharisees were lovers of
money, which they put first, and the modern equivalent is that of men (and now
women) putting the interests of their careers before serving GodPeople like to
speculate where heaven and hell are, sufficient it be to know heaven is where
Jesus is, and hell is anyplace where Jesus will never be.
Of course there are many people who mock us for being Church members and being
religious, but will one day realise the mistake they made, but there will be no
going back, no second chance, the Bible is unequivocal that we make the
decision here as to where our resting place will be.
I have been watching a series on television where a young policeman is
partnered on his duties with an attractive young policewoman who is fond of
him, but he does not respond. His Sergeant tells him he should make a decision
to go with the woman or he will one day regret not making such a decision. Then
he adds, the two saddest words in the English language are ‘if only’ How often do we say that now as we reflect back??
One day such a lot of people will say ‘if only’.
It is common to hear it said that a loving God would never send anyone to hell,
and of course He would not; but by the decision we make here, we make the
choice ourselves. I have heard it said so many times by people who
misunderstand verses in John’s gospel, and think we are all guaranteed a place
in heaven irrespective of how we lived here. No need to go to Church, read a
Bible or say prayers, Jesus they say promised He would prepare a place for us,
without realising Jesus was talking only to His followers not those who have no
time to give to Him.
There was a limerick I read which referred to words on a gravestone. It was.
Remember, Friend, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, soon you shall be
Prepare for Death, and follow me.
Someone added the words: To follow you I’m not content, until
I know which way you went.
The passage suggests we will be fully aware of our condition at whatever place,
for the rich man asked that pity be given to his five brothers. The rich man is
told by Abraham, ‘if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they
be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.’
We can see an analogy in modern life where people start looking for God to help
them when in trouble, when for the rest of the time he is an irrelevance to
them. When someone asks you ‘where was God’, when some particular incident
occurs, tell them ‘He was where he always is, when you were not interested.’
The rich man was in hell because he refused to listen to Moses and the prophets
of the Old Testament. His whole life was all about his own comforts without any
concern for others, and that is why he is where he is. Lazarus, on the other
hand, is in heaven because he believed Moses and the prophets and trusted in
This then is the explanation of the parable which is the only one which
describes he feelings of the unconverted after death. What lessons are there to
be learned from it?
Firstly a person’s worldly condition is no test of their state in the sight of
God. The wealth or position does not earn God’s particular favour. The poor man
lived by faith whilst the rich man was a selfish thoughtless man. Secondly, death is what happens to all of
us, which many people do not seem to realise; they think they can go on
enjoying themselves forever. Thirdly
God cares specially for the souls of believers in the hour of death. Jesus
tells us when Lazarus died he was carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom. We
know little or nothing about the feelings of the dead. When our last hour come
it shall be like going into an unknown country, but we know that all who fall
asleep in Christ Jesus will be in good keeping. Fourthly, the reality of there being an
eternity of hell, and the certainty of the punishment for the wicked. Jesus
gives us a fearful picture in one of the most awful passages in the Bible.
Lastly, the unconverted, those who have not called Jesus into their lives, will
find out too late the real value of being a true Christian and the folly of
ignoring Jesus. The Bible tells
us all that we need to be saved for heaven, simple faith in the Scriptures is
the first thing needful to salvation.
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