3 v1/12
This morning I ask you to turn
with me to the 3rd Chapter of James’ Epistle. It is a very practical letter,
and this passage is all about the use/misuse of the tongue.
We all know how destructive the tongue can be, and I am sure
we all have regrets over things we have said, whether cruel or just
embarrassing. Most human sin is facilitated by speech of one sort or another,
anger, seduction; the tongue is the wind that whips up the embers into a fierce
blaze. So, James wants to guide us to let the influence of Christ be uppermost in
our minds.
Abraham Lincoln is quoted as
saying ‘I would rather be thought a fool for not speaking than to speak and
prove it.’
James begins by referring to teachers (or preachers) who held
a prestigious position within the Church, and were directly responsible for
instructing new converts. This enabled them to use the tongue to promote their
own ideas and opinions, with false teaching. This is still a concern today,
when those privileged to lead services find the Bible does not match up with
their belief, that we should adapt to the culture of 21st century society’s
lessened as the Church became less important to the lives of a lot of people.
Whole families being in employment during the week, and wanting to go
travelling in cars, shops opening as never before on Sundays, all proved to be
a more acceptable choice to a large size of the community, and even in villages
the importance of the Church lay in it adding a nice addition for the village
From an early stage some people positioned themselves as teachers who were not suitable due to lack of commitment and knowledge, and there were then as now, some who wanted to further a spread of immorality and encourage behaviour which was non-Scriptural. Indeed, now there appears to be more engaged in teaching the adopting of non-Scriptural conduct. I imagine very shortly only the Independent, Pentecostal and black Churches remaining faithful to the Bible, as the main denominations are supporting marriage ceremonies for two people of the same sex, and other actions which are contrary to the teaching of Scripture.
Jude, in his Letter to the Churches warned of people who were creeping into Churches for the purpose of falsely teaching immoral conduct. Paul, writing to Timothy warned those given the privilege of preaching the Word would be held in greater judgement for any false teaching, and this what James has in mind in his opening verses.
Teaching is done primarily by use of the tongue, and secondly by words which the tongue has committed to paper. If we realize the power of the tongue, we should also realize the great damage it can cause. From false teaching, which will lead people astray and lead away from the true faith, to normal every day speaking.
James points out a person makes his own choice to be a teacher, and by doing so places a great responsibility upon him /herself, and if they fail, are under condemnation. When teaching in a Church, consideration has to be given by the teacher to the type of congregation, as for instance young or old, male or female, and adjust to each type, Older people for example, are much more sensitive and care is therefore necessary. In every case, the teaching must be as laid down in the Bible, and not be a collection of the speaker’s own opinions and preferences. This is now less observed than what was once the practice.
When people gather together for worship, they should hear what God has said and wants to be, not what any man or woman thinks should appertain. Some of the men (only in those days) were not truly qualified either by learning or faith to be teachers, and there is at the present time a tendency in all denominations, to be too ready to appoint preachers just to be able to have someone available. This can do more damage and irreparable harm to the Christian faith as agitators for a particular cause have free rein.
The problem is exacerbated when the position in society of
clergy is considered. In the Church of England, perhaps more so than in the
Free Churches, a Vicar carries considerable respect so his words can materially
influence a person’s mind.
There is little more dangerous in the general run of life than public speaking. Speakers will not often set out to offend, but on other occasions a slip of the tongue, or words delivered in a wrong manner, can even without intention, upset someone. Teaching in Church nowadays is filled with peril for a Bible teacher, for so many listeners have adopted a free style of life, and don’t like being reminded of their own guilt. Consequently if a speaker is complained about, it is almost like receiving a badge of honour.
In verse 2 James points out how easy it is to offend with the tongue as well as doing good. Two examples are Hitler, who could mesmerise a nation with his oratory and spread evil, and on the other hand Winston Churchill who could inspire and motivate his country to greatness.
We can all slip up, a term James infers, quite easily and
unintentionally. Words more than anything else form impressions that stick,
especially are they damaging when bitterly criticising. James wants us to grasp
this so that we may control ourselves and uses two examples to demonstrate how
powerful the tongue is. Once words are used they can never be fully retracted,
even with apologies the words remain in the memory of the one used against.
However much we are warned, we never completely avoid hurt.
When a bit is put into a horse’s mouth we can control the
whole body, and make it do what we wish. When the tongue is controlled, the
whole body feels the blessings.
Secondly, a ship is large and heavy and can be driven by
strong winds, yet a very small rudder can divert whichever way a pilot wants to
go. So when applied to the tongue, it may help the whole person control the
pressures which threaten to drive us off course, and a gentle word may turn off
Nothing warms our hearts more than sincere expressions of
love and esteem, and nothing hurts as much as hard words of bitter criticism or
reproach. Christians must learn and accept that there can be difference of
opinion and belief between us, which must be respected and discussed in a
civilised and above all Christian way.
In verse 5, playing with fire is a menacing figure of speech.
A great forest fire as we now often see in the United States is set off by a
small spark, sometimes deliberately used; words too can spread like wildfire
and cause much harm. In to-day’s world with computer, mobile phones, texts and
emails, rumour and gossip can be sent around the world, as numerous people have
found to their embarrassment, not knowing if what was sent was true or not.
Reputations are destroyed over coffee, or more so with alcohol in the equation.
Tongues rattle away and slanderous remarks fly freely.
Verse 6 refers to the tongue set on fire by hell. In ancient
time there was a place called Gehenna on the outskirts of Jerusalem, seen as
hell on earth. This was where children were sacrificed in burning furnaces to
the god Moloch. Later, in Jesus time it
was the city rubbish dump, where all refuse was taken. It was dark, smelly hellish
place and seen as a picture of hell. Sometimes lips are unclean and the fuel
for the tongue is said to come from hell in those cases.
Humanists think because God allowed us to have dominion over
all other creatures, and to a great extent mankind has been successful in
taming most animals, he is invincible. But what we ought to recognise is that
the ability to tame animals was not made possible by our powers alone, it was a
gift from God. Our achievements are ultimately received from God, so there
should be no boasting in our way of self-sufficiency or ingenuity.
So the reality of our untameable tongue and the problem of
human wickedness should leave us in no doubt that there is need of a Saviour,
because we are helpless in our own strength.
People generally are not all bad, we have lapses, but most
people are relatively restrained. James defends his criticism by the
inconsistency of our speaking. It is in those times of stress and anger that
the viciousness of the tongue is revealed. It is not only in bad language or
unguarded remarks spoken in the heat of the moment, it is the fact that good
and pious words come from the same lips. We sing prise to the Lord and then go
out into the worlds to curse our fellowmen, and spread poisonous words.
The Christian who speaks to God in exalted tones, but speaks
ridicule to everyone who upsets them, is a contradiction in terms. This was
true of Peter when he cursed and swore, and denied the Lord on the night Jesus
was arrested.
In verse 10 James states ‘my brothers this should not be’. He
is highlighting the abnormality of double speak. We have politicians anxious at
time to state their Christian credentials, and then create legislation which
penalises Christians who try to exercise their beliefs. Those who love the Lord
cannot afford to speak out of both sides of their mouth.
James closes this section with two illustrations. He speaks
of a spring which cannot produce both clear and salt water, nor can a tree
provide two kinds of fruit.
He takes his readers to the words of our Lord, and to the
very heart of the gospel of saving grace, which is able to transform the whole
person. Jesus said ‘if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink; whoever
believes in me, streams of living water will flow from within’. Christ is the
living water who gives to all who come to Him in faith, that water which will
become within a spring of water rising up to heaven and eternal life.
It is one of life’s hardest duties, yet also the plainest, to
ensure our tongues only ever speak such words as we would wish God to hear.
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