It has been obvious for some time that in the United Kingdom the view of many people is that democracy means giving people a choice, and then if the result is not what expected and desired to hold another, and as many as necessary to get the desired answer. This attitude in paired with hypocrisy in several ways, notably displayed currently by State and Church.
The European Referendum revealed a clear majority to leave, yet there are strong demands for another to be held to cancel that one.
Senior, and some not so senior clergy, have disgraced themselves in commenting. Whilst everyone has a right to an opinion and difference, need it be so unpleasant. Each Sunday in the General Confession we regret ‘we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves’.
How I wonder do people like the ever ready to comment maker Giles Fraser square that regret when he is quoted as despising ukip supporters; or the Vicar in Kent who criticised Trump and Brexit supporters in the Remembrance service at her Church, causing some veterans to leave the service; or the two Bishops who voiced their racist accusations; or the jolly female attention seeking Vicar who is getting to be a regular on television who is quoted as saying ‘I hate it when I have to agree with a Tory’.
Do these people not realise a majority of supporters of Brexit and Trump, (who they have not given a chance to prove himself) would probably be the same people who attend And/or support the Church, and are very likely to be offended by stupid and offensive statements? This is not what attracts, but certainly dissuades.
Now we have seen the United States is similarly affected. In the Presidential election, at one stage opinion polls suggested Trump was ahead in the popular vote, causing opponents to cry that it was Electoral College votes that counted. When Trump trounced Clinton in the Electoral College we were told repeatedly how Clinton had more popular votes, and now a vociferous minority are trying to annul the election.
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