Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The past days have seen some turbulence in relationships between Church and State. Lord Carey made a scathing attack on David Cameron, portraying him as doing so much to encourage anti- Christian feeling, an attack well justified although Cameron was a soft target. Any serious judge of character will have well recognised Cameron does not appear to have a sincere stance in anything. Repeatedly in Parliament the Leader of the Opposition reveals how Cameron says one thing and does the opposite.

If David Cameron was really on Christians’ side he would not have allowed a junior Minister to authorise Government lawyers to argue so forcibly against a woman wearing a Cross at work in the European Court of Human Rights. He would never have started this ridiculous campaign to enforce same sex marriage. To state that was in the name of equality is unbelievable and unacceptable, it was done to further his image, which has back-fired spectacularly.

The press of course concentrated on that part of Lord Carey’s article which referred to same sex marriage. What is quite serious, and was ignored from the writing, was the criticism Lord Carey made regarding the proposal put forward by Chris Bryant to turn the crypt chapel of St, Mary’s at Westminster into a multi-faith room. This would mean Christian symbols would have to be removed; it would cease to be under Anglican authority, so creating a situation whereby same sex marriages could be conducted as it would be exempt from the ban of such marriages being conducted in Anglican Churches.

I suspect Chris Bryant, an aggressive campaigner for homosexual rights, is more concerned in following such an agenda rather than any concern for other faiths being allowed in.


I wish some bishops would refrain from being amateur politicians.
The Bishop of Dudley attacked the government for taking a firm line on immigration. When you consider this is a topic which aggravates the public most and is considered a vote winner, it is hardly a public relations exercise to take the opposite view.

Recently we have had discourses from our Bishops on green issues, poverty, immigration, gay rights, economics, fiscal policy; one subject that might have been expected is missing. And still the numbers of worshippers is decreasing. (Perhaps they were looking for Christian teaching.)

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