Wednesday, 7 November 2012

We now know who the new American President is. The election has, to a lot of people’s annoyance here, had massive press coverage, in the United Kingdom, but it is right that we should have had such coverage as America is our closest ally and best friend, and of much more significance than Europe. We speak the same language and share a similar culture, and America influences much of our lives and business.

I personally am sorry the American people chose to support a man who favours same sex marriage, abortion, and use of cannabis, and whose party was reluctant to mention God at their convention. I agree Romney was not the ideal challenger, but at least he held traditional moral values. If Obama’s second term is as bad as his first, not only America will suffer, so will we all. It is said he looked Presidential over the hurricane troubles, but it might be more appropriate to say he acted so. If ever he gives up politics he is a natural for the stage.

Naturally most people in Britain are rejoicing, for the Republican Party is not liked here, it has too close a relationship with God, which is an anathema to journalists and our politicians especially, although in this secular country not surprising. One journalist on Sky the other night was mocking at the intervention of God’s name into an election.

In this morning’s Telegraph one commentator was full of joy at the secular turn of events in the States and could not contain his pleasure that the ‘religious right is dead’, that Obama is not really a Christian, encouraging people to absent themselves from Church on Sundays, and welcoming America to secular Europe. When you bear in mind the Telegraph is considered to be a conservative and Conservative paper, you realise the changing times.

It will be a very sad day if his wishes come true. For many people of Christian faith, the United States was a beacon of hope against a secular and anti Christian Europe.

I hope that in future the Republican Party bears in mind that it is not necessary to consider only men to run for President. There are some outstanding women available to the Party who have proved themselves in Office. I was disappointed that at one time the name of Condoleeza Rice came up as a possible running mate to Romney only to be lost somewhere, what a brilliant lady who would have appealed to women voters. Another name for the future might be Nikki Haley the South Carolina Governor who has made a very favourable impression. We can only hope

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